I like to have my cup of green tea.

I have an incredibly supportive family.

It took me 17 years to become a U.S. citizen.

Racism, sexism, and age-ism are all alive and well in the U.S. House.

Can you be a progressive if you're anti-immigrant but pro-choice? No!

I usually wake up really early because I keep myself on East Coast time.

I've been told to go back to my country so many times, I can't even count.

Policy is about real people and real stories, and sometimes we forget that.

I'm the first South Asian woman to be elected to the House of Representatives.

I like being on a plane with no phone service because I get so much work done.

Profiting from student loans is usury, and we just can't continue to allow it.

I'm conscious of my race and ethnicity in the legislature - it's hard not to be.

Compromise for compromise sake is never good, unless it is grounded in principles.

Sometimes when really terrible things happen, something beautiful emerges out of it.

As we say we fight for working people, we have to make sure our policies reflect that.

If someone tells me that something can't be done, that makes me more determined to do it.

History has always judged silence and complicity harshly in these times of moral consequence.

I have my chops in organizing, and I know how to create political space through movement building.

I want to remind women of color out there to stand your ground, and don't ever be afraid to speak up.

We have to take our anger and rage and channel it into building, growing, loving, holding each other up.

My mother, with a Master's in English Literature, taught me to appreciate language and that words matter.

My big idea is that democracy can only work properly if you have truly representative people at the table.

We on the Left are very good at criticizing people, but we need to build the base to pull people to the Left.

It is always easier to have somebody to blame, but immigrants are not the cause of the country's economic woes.

We must be clear: Donald Trump is lying when he conflates immigrants coming across the border with MS-13 gangs.

If you're an opposition party, you are actively using the power you have to oppose the ideas of the other party.

I feel like young people, more than anyone in the country, always have their moral compass on perfectly straight.

I love my district, the 37th Legislative District in Washington State, where I have lived for more than 20 years.

People who think that the immigration system is easy and people should just apply legally - it just isn't that easy.

I've always believed that immigration is really about who we are as a country and what we're willing to stand up for.

Ripping children away from their parents has a particular shameful history, both in this country and around the world.

I've always thought of the United States as a place where so much was possible and so many opportunities were out there.

We are a country that has always been known for providing opportunities to people. We have lost a lot of that opportunity.

I'm not a complainer. I'm a doer. So if I see something is wrong, then I feel like I have to get in there and try to fix it.

Trump can embrace dictators and gulags, but we the people stand for human rights, for dignity, for keeping families together.

I really get my best work done in the morning, so if I have to edit speeches or comments, that all happens before I get to work.

As an immigrant, I have lived, in a way, the American dream, and I want to make sure that opportunity is available for everybody.

Individuals whose asylum claims have been accepted have gone on to become professors, soldiers in our military, artists, and more.

We don't get a more responsive government unless we start to systematically run organizing campaigns to change the way government works.

Trump has hated Amazon for a long time, and I think that that came out in many interviews that he's done with 'Vanity Fair' and with others.

I actually had a number of different careers. I worked on Wall Street; I was a Master's in Business. I left that to work in the public sector.

Statistics are just a compilation of people's stories put on paper, and legislation is our attempt to address those real challenges for people.

Immigrants contribute more than they take. It is a lie that they take public benefits, because they don't qualify for just about every benefit.

Part of comprehensive immigration reform is not just the path to citizenship for undocumented workers, but also the ability for families to be together.

We need to incentivize states across our country to spend on higher education and ensure that we go back to allowing people to go to college tuition-free.

Immigration is about more than just who comes here and who is allowed to stay. It is about who we are as a country and what we are willing to stand up for.

My message to women - including women of color - stand strong. Refuse to be minimized or patronized. Let all the small guys out there be intimidated by you.

Rather than name-calling and arguing about whether it is appropriate or not to employ radical tactics, we progressives need to start listening to each other.

For immigrant women, fighting for some of the standard platforms of the women's movement may feel unthinkable when deportation is staring you in the face every day.

There is no question that we, as a country, need to deal with economic inequality across the country, and we need to make sure we have good-paying jobs for everyone.

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