I will leave an impression.

I've always been a daydreamer.

My message is all about peace.

Do you know how powerful you are?

We value-packs, you all small fries.

Don't chase the paper, chase the dream.

Words can't express what you mean to me.

It's okay to be crazy, but don't be insane.

I'm the definition of half man, half drugs.

If you dream and you believe, you can do it.

You should do what we do, stack chips like Hebrews.

Can't nobody take my pride. Can't nobody hold me down.

Get money, have fun and treat a woman like she's a queen

I don't believe in fear - I live my life without regrets.

One of my weaknesses is that I actually have a conscience.

Lil Wayne is definitely the greatest youngest rapper alive.

You have to be somewhat crazy, if you want to be successful.

I feel safe in white because deep down inside, I'm an angel.

All I've been trying to do all my life is to make great music.

Keep on pushing the boundaries and reaching for higher heights.

Though I love you like a brother, I would rather be your lover.

I've got to take a break, to be honest. I'm not even going to lie.

It feels like I could go outside with a bikini thong on right now.

Never is my life have I ever experienced anything as crazy as this.

Let your soul lead the way, cause I'm that enemy that you can't see.

Bad Boy Entertainment did not shoot anybody. I didn't shoot anybody.

You must wanna be in the Guinness Book of World Records as the dumbest.

Smell is incredibly important and sensual; it communicates who you are.

If you're chasing your dream, you're not running fast enough. Run faster

If I change my name again y'all can have me certified as crazy. Alright?

I'm glad the truth is out. I'm glad everyone knows I'm innocent, not guilty.

Don't be afraid to close your eyes and dream, but then open your eyes and see

But treat dimes fair and I'm bigger than the city lights down in times square

I can't say that I've fully achieved my dream yet. I'm just starting to evolve.

Put up your guards, keep faith in God, I promise you all the world will be ours.

Picture all the money that I've gotten off tours. Now picture me plotting for more.

Everyone has challenges and lessons to learn - we wouldn't be who we are without them.

I wouldn't abandon nobody. I would be lying if I said I was just talking to everybody.

I came in to win, you know. This is why I stay up late while other people are sleeping.

Mix me with violence, blend me with peace, Combine me with hate, and I can't face defeat.

I'm a big Backstreet Boys fan. I always give y'all shoutouts. I love the things y'all do.

My mind is always racing, and always going and always working, and it's a gift and a curse.

The sun don't shine forever, but as long as it's here, then we might as well shine together.

I don't say it in a cocky way, but I take pride in being one of the best at doing what I do.

I want to have a cultural impact. I want to be an inspiration, to show people what can be done.

I'm hyperactive, and I went in the studio and I would just start making records, for no reason.

When I decided I wanted to be an actor, I said I wanted to work with quality actors and directors.

I think that's good that I have to watch how I act and what I say. I think that's a part of growing up.

I think Hanson is gonna be around for a long time. I think that they're three great, talented young men.

Sleep is forbidden. When I'm working, I'm a machine and I don't look at other people like they are human.

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