In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast.

Never keep up with the Joneses. Drag them down to your level.

To know all is not to forgive all. It is to despise everybody.

You can behave as badly as you like in America. Nobody notices.

To say a thing is natural is to condone it, never to praise it.

If I have any talent at all, it is not for doing but for being.

Health consists of having the same diseases as one's neighbors.

However low a man sinks he never reaches the level of the police.

If you don't stay in some days, you can't recharge your batteries.

Life was a funny thing that happened to me on the way to the grave.

The English think that incompetence is the same thing as sincerity.

I never spend my time doing anything I'll have to do again tomorrow.

The Scots are very hospitable; almost as hospitable as the Americans.

Posing was the first job I did in which I understood what I was doing.

Bit by bit, I was becoming the almost acceptable face of homosexuality.

You must stop this interview now as I have come to end of my personality.

The world was very feminine when I was young. And now it's very masculine.

My mother protected me from the world and my father threatened me with it.

I don't believe in convention at all. I do what I have to do to stay alive.

The more people one has to love, the more one's capacity to love stretches.

Development of character consists solely in moving toward self-sufficiency.

To love another person you have to undertake some fragment of their destiny.

If love means anything at all it means extending your hand to the unlovable.

I don't really act. I say the words the way I would say them if I meant them.

I can't remember ever having a tragic demeanor. Although my life was tragedy.

To live in the past is to miss today's opportunities and tomorrow's blessings.

The absolute nothingness of death is a blessing. Something to look forward to.

You don't have to deal with anyone in America. They accept you the way you are.

Did you know that Allah promises you a seat in Paradise if you kill a Christian?

My function in life was to render clear what was already blindingly conspicuous.

An autobiography is an obituary in serial form with the last installment missing.

For flavor, instant sex will never supersede the stuff you have to peel and cook.

Manners are a way of getting what you want without appearing to be an absolute swine.

Women have decided to be people, which is a great mistake. Women were nicer than people.

When asked, 'Shall I tell my mother I'm gay?', I reply, 'Never tell your mother anything.

I don't hold with abroad and think that foreigners speak English when our backs are turned.

I like living in one room and have never known what people do with the room they are not in.

I learned very early in life that I was always going to need people more than they needed me

Is not the whole world a vast house of assignation of which the filing system has been lost?

You can't be a person and a lady. If you're a person, you can open the damned door yourself.

I recommend limiting one's involvement in other people's lives to a pleasantly scant minimum.

The war between the sexes is the only one in which both sides regularly sleep with the enemy.

Most men when they make up their faces, the makeup stands forward, and their faces are behind.

America believes in freedom. The English don't believe in it. They don't believe in happiness.

In New York, I find people so courteous and so generous. Free drinks in bars. Free taxi rides.

When asked to give advice, I do of course give it, because I give whatever I am asked to give.

I was beaten up wherever I went, and people shouted at me and cursed me and threw things at me.

One should always be wary of anyone who promises that their love will last longer than a weekend.

Ask yourself, if there was to be no blame, and if there was to be no praise, who would I be then?

Whenever we confront an unbridled desire we are surely in the presence of a tragedy-in-the-making.

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