I want to try everything.

They're not poodles, they're art.

I'm not small, I'm space-efficient.

I think I'm a million different faces

I think I'm a million different faces.

They're not dogs [poodles], they're art.

You can grow apart from people very quickly.

I didn't want to start acting like a cartoon

I didn't want to start acting like a cartoon.

People always give me styling products and stuff

People always give me styling products and stuff.

When something is troubling me, people know about it

When something is troubling me, people know about it.

You wouldn't recognize me from one project to the next.

I have two cats at home in Minnesota with my family. Beau and Skippy

I have two cats at home in Minnesota with my family. Beau and Skippy.

Josie needed more of a personality than what the cartoon had to offer.

If this whole acting thing doesn't work out, I'll just get a talk show.

But my mother and father were married when my mom was 20 and my dad was 24

But my mother and father were married when my mom was 20 and my dad was 24.

We were only allowed to watch Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers and 3-2-1 Contact!

I have no interest whatsoever in being a high-fashion model, nor is it possible

I have no interest whatsoever in being a high-fashion model, nor is it possible.

But acting just sort of happened and I found that I loved it. It was such a challenge

I was very involved with school by the time I was 15 and wasn't working much as a model

I was very involved with school by the time I was 15 and wasn't working much as a model.

Yeah, I definitely want to find that right person and fall in love and have kids someday.

I feel just like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. You know, except for the whole hooker thing.

When I came into the business, things changed a lot, and my life was in a real state of flux.

You have this preconceived notion of him [Sly Stallone] as a big, tough guy, but he speaks four languages and he likes to watercolor.

Sometimes I say things that I can't believe came out of my mouth. Or I won't mean something and it will come out completely nonsensical.

The psych up comes from knowing what I can both give and get from each role. I get a lot personally from each character I play that I am able to carry over into my everyday life.

I went on a children's roller coaster once when I was maybe 12-or some age when I was considered a little old to be on a kiddy ride. Absolutely terrified. Thought I was going to die.

You know, we have to take these characters - who, granted, have their separate personalities but, on a lot of levels, are pretty two-dimensional - and make them into people with flaws, with insecurities.

I hate it [driving] more than anything in the whole world. I'm just an awful, awful driver. I get lost, I hit things (parked cars, one moving car, a pole in my parking garage). Just when I think I got everything under control, I'll miss seeing something out of the corner of my mirror.

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