Every reality show plot pales in comparison to our history.

While I deeply admire actors who deeply prepare, it's just not something I do.

I'm no stranger to joining a show in the third season. I joined 'Lost Girl' at the same stage, and that was a wonderful experience.

Normally, learning lines is fairly easy for me, but when you add an accent onto that, it adds a complexity that I had not anticipated.

The special thing about 'Lost Girl' is it can be campy at times, but the show doesn't take itself too seriously, which is what separates it from other sci-fi TV shows. I love that.

I always like to look at things and think, 'Would I be proud to bring my grandma and grandpa to come see me in this?' And if I wouldn't want them to see it, then it's not something that I should immortalize myself on film in.

I've been through periods where I haven't worked and would have paid someone to give me a job - I think that's really helped me feel very grateful to have a job, even when I have a call time of 3:30 A.M. My mom laughs when I text at 4 A.M saying, 'I love my job.'

I have been & continue to be so incredibly humbled & overwhelmed by all the love and support that has come from the #LostGirl fandomI want to personally thank each & everyone of you for all the love you've shown me (&Tamsin) from day one. This has been such a beautifuljourney. I consider myself blessed to have been a part of this show, to have loved it's people & of course to have shared in that with you!

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