I'm quite feminine.

I drink a lot of milk.

I have to maintain my stardom.

I have never considered doing action films.

It's always nice to work with repeat actors.

For me, the small joys of life make me happy.

I am just lucky to be blessed with a good metabolism.

There is pressure from day one when you start your career.

It's very flattering to be praised for each of your efforts.

Its nice when your admirers address you in an exclusive manner.

I've always striven to ensure that I work on one film at a time.

I was in my final year in college when I acted in 'Nanda Gokula.'

I don't believe in dieting. I don't think I can ever be on a diet.

All of us are in search of something or the other, be it dreams or success.

Yash was a great friend, a fabulous boyfriend, and is an even better husband.

All the projects that I am part of get delayed for reasons beyond my control!

I loved my work, and it was a conscious decision to give my best all the time.

I never did films for the sake of money alone or for any favour or obligation.

If you analyze my career graph, you will see that I'm slow at choosing projects.

I love to ,and an alarm clock will ensure that I wake up and leave work on time.

In 'Drama,' I play a flirtatious girl who uses her femininity to get things done.

I used to love the idea of being in love, even though I hadn't been in love before.

I have always managed my professional and personal life to the best of my abilities.

After the success of 'Krishnan Love Story,' I have decided to work only on good films.

If you look at my career graph, I have always chosen roles that are performance-oriented.

I believe that your personal life does not have anything to do with your professional life.

I grew up listening to this adage that hard work never fails. It is very true of 'Adhoori.'

I don't have a dream role as such, but given a chance, I would want to play a historic role.

I see romance as a state of mind. I may find it in a candlelit dinner or by walking in the rain.

Fitness, for me doesn't mean a bikini body or a size zero. I just strive to be and feel healthy.

Regardless of where the offer comes from, I'll choose characters that are inspiring and challenging.

What I'd look for are roles in which the heroine's character has substance rather than just glamour.

I have always chosen to portray roles which inspired me and mostly that I enjoy it in the first place.

People like movies made by the Ramu Enterprises banner because they get to see a film with rich production values.

I know my responsibilities as an actor and am aware that it is equally important to promote my films as to act in them.

A good performance from me - no matter what kind of film it is, or who I'm acting with - will help me get better offers.

I used to represent Mount Carmel College in cultural activities, and a friend in the team told me to try my hand at acting.

For me, summer holidays, vacations, New Year, and any trip away from Bengaluru meant going to Goa. My mother is from there.

I've been charging what I deserve. I believe I am worth every penny of it, and if filmmakers think so, too, they will pay me.

I like to do one film at a time. But sometimes, when projects get delayed for reasons beyond my control, I juggle more than one.

For 'Zoom,' as the script demanded it, I opted for a shorter hair-style, as I play the character of a modern girl who is self-made.

Instead of signing 10 films a year, I'd rather do a couple of films where I can give my best performance and am appreciated by audiences.

Neither me or Yash interfere in each other's work. This has been the case even before marriage when we shared about our works as friends.

The role that I played in 'Gaana Bajaana' was that of a tomboyish girl who identified with the guys. There was nothing feminine about her.

When people come offering you quality work, I think that is a result of the sheer hardwork and dedication I have had towards my profession.

I do not know how I developed the interest for baking. If I am not shooting, I head back home and start baking my favourite cakes and cookies.

It's a rather cute love story, like the title suggests, and is a out and out commercial. Given the title 'Ramachari,' we have a lot to live up to.

Before joining the industry, my impression of Kannada films was red and yellow outfits, hilarious sets, and dance movements. But I'm glad I'm wrong.

Working with senior and star actors is always a positive and more satisfactory experience, but I have always stressed upon the quality of the script.

Romance doesn't have to be portrayed physically. I love being part of romantic films, but I wouldn't venture into something I'm not comfortable with.

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