I only know one speed.

I just play an overall game.

It all starts with post play.

I always wore natural high tops.

Flopping shouldn't get you nowhere.

I just love Portland, man. For real.

That's what I hang my hat on, is defence.

People know I'm Philly straight up and down.

A shooter takes shots, a shotter makes shots.

I like Josh Hart. I've liked him since 'Nova.

Once my family grew bigger I loved Portland more.

I have to say that to myself a lot - to be patient.

The heart of that player will determine how he plays.

You know that social media can be a harsh thing, man.

I will go off at times. Overall, I'm a pretty good teammate.

I'm not scared of the NBA. I'm not scared of the NBA officials.

OK, my funniest tech I ever got in the NBA was for looking at a ref.

In college you could say 'Coach, let's go to zone,' when you're tired.

I know, playing in schoolyards, and summer leagues, that I can hit the three.

The things I do, I do for me, not for no publicity stunt or cameras or whatever.

That's what the CTC means, whoever cuts that check, that's who I have to play for.

Some of the fans are mad at me, some of the fans cheer for me, I can't worry about that.

The NBA is 95% mental and 5% physical, so it's more in my favor now with me being older.

To me, Portland, there's a lot of things to do out there especially if you have a growing family.

There are a lot of elderly people in Flint who are homebound and can't get the supplies they need.

Honestly, I don't play basketball games. I'm more into fighting games like 'Mortal Kombat' or RPGs.

It's for a different circumstance when you're talking about playing for money and playing for heart.

If a person doesn't like me or doesn't like my game, OK, that's how they feel. Can't be upset with it.

If I feel as though myself or my teammates have been dealt a wrong hand, I'm going to let it be known.

What good is it if you are a 15-, 16-time All-Star and you never won nothing? A ring supersedes all of that.

When I was with Washington, Portland, Detroit, everybody still got love for me and I still got love for them.

Offence doesn't concern me. It's easier for people to get layups than it is to get stops on defence or a block.

I have this particular shoe with blood stains, marked all up sitting in my office. I always look at it everyday.

Some of the technicals I deserved. Cussing at the officials or throwing something. But some of them I didn't deserve.

A wise man knows when to go 'head and back off so you gotta pick and choose your fights. I know how to pick and choose.

This is America, but the way that the people of Flint are being treated with this water crisis is like a third-world country.

I lived across the street from my elementary school, and in the schoolyard we could always go play there and know we were safe.

I never liked Duke. I don't know why. Just never did. Guess they were always a heavy favorite and I liked to go with the underdog.

As long as somebody 'CTC,' at the end of the day I'm with them. For all you that don't know what CTC means, that's 'Cut The Check.'

The things that we did in Detroit will never be done again. Our record of holding seven teams under 70 points will never be done again.

If I retire from this league and I haven't won at least one championship, I'll feel like all my years in the league would be a failure.

Of course, everyone knows my history as far as technical fouls, but I don't think you can match the intensity that I bring to the floor.

You might get fouled and have a no-call, but let's still go out and hoop. Just beat them up the other way, and that's with the scoreboard.

Being an opponent playing in Boston over the years, you always see guys in the stands who played for the Celtics. It's a mystique. It's cool.

When I was in my heyday, of course I had those who hated me. They were supposed to hate the opposition. But it's good, though. It feels good.

People walking down the street would just say 'Ball don't lie.' I kinda feel like Bobby McFerrin, the mastermind behind 'Don't worry, be happy.'

There's times where I could take all the shots every time I touch the ball, but that's not me. I just play a team game and just take open shots.

The only people I care about are my wife and kids, my mom and brother, close friends to the family. Anybody outside my circle, I could care less.

I'm not in this league to be an All-Star. I'm not in this league to make the Hall of Fame. I'm not in this league to make the all-defensive team.

I hung out in Northeast Portland, I hung out in Beaverton. I knew a lot of people on every demographic. For me out there, I loved my time out there.

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