You can't take no breaks.

Effort is between you and you.

Adversity defines true character.

Whatever you want to do, go do it.

God has never made a mistake. Ever.

And I love Evander Holyfield to death!

Sometimes I have no idea whats going on

Success is one thing, impact is another

Whatever your path is, that's your path.

Only a fool trips on what’s behind them.

You have to be honest about who you are.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper

Everything I got, I'm willing to sacrifice

Any game that you step on, you can get beat.

The only thing that follows work is results.

You don't have to win it, just don't lose it.

A leader puts himself last then he sticks out.

In any war who pulls their general out? No one.

Never be comfortable.... .with just good enough.

Let your name be worth more than your bank account

To be the best and stay there, sweat is necessary.

I'm a prideful person when it comes to competition.

I love passion. I love for a coach to be passionate.

I don't know a man on this Earth who can outwork me.

Pain is only temporary, no matter how long it lasts.

The only thing that could pull me away, was hard work.

No coach who is coaching kids should ever curse a kid.

Daddy wasn't there for me, so I had to grind every day.

The only way to defeat pain is to recognize pain exists.

I don't train for football; I train more for a lifestyle.

It’s simple: when God is for you, who can be against you?

The locker room talk is always that about who can beat who.

Don't let your alarm clock, be the only reason you wake up.

If tomorrow wasn’t promised, what would you give for today?

My game is me. I didn't try to pattern my game after nobody.

The hardest thing to do is work hard when no one is watching.

Don’t waste talent. No matter what you do, don’t waste talent.

What makes you grind? You have to always be chasing something.

Watching the season for me is about watching the chess matches.

Man believes in the possible, but God believes in the impossible.

When I step on the field, it's on. I know it's time to go to work.

When something goes wrong, smile, cause there's always a next play.

Every day of my life, I'm trying to find a different way to get better.

Greatness is a lot of small things done well, stacked up on each other.

Do whatever you gotta do to chase your legacy every second of your life.

There's some things you can cover up. And there's some things you can't.

I don't care where we're going; I'm gonna wear a suit all day, every day.

Every day, we've got to do something physical. It's mind, body and spirit.

Life is about being a versatile athlete and training in all realms of life.

Before anything great is really achieved, your comfort zone must be disturbed.

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