Everyone speaks stupid.

When in doubt, zoom out.

I want to be able to make a movie.

Just remember, everything you are is.

Good comedians are great philosophers.

I always composed music as a little kid.

Common knowledge, but important nonetheless

We're all just memories of our future selves.

I just think that life is a constant experiment.

I like to ride the line between absurd and sincere.

I would always write lyrics and songs on the piano.

What I'm doing on stage now is just the tip of the iceberg.

As a child I was very into gadgets and machines and robots.

I consider myself something of a self-taught anthropologist.

I'm not into looking crisp. That's not how I dress or who I am.

In the absence of truth there is confusion, the essence of truth.

Religion can only dream to do what science and art does every day.

I've been taking pictures of wherever I go, or on planes, whatever.

As long as I have a good time, the audience usually has a good time.

I don't have a 10-octave range. No human being has a 10-octave range.

In theater, they say a theater piece is only as good as its transitions.

When you're improvising, you're relying on this connection to creativity.

Im pretty lazy when it comes to creativity. I just want it to be easy and fun.

I'm pretty lazy when it comes to creativity. I just want it to be easy and fun.

A lot of times, in music especially, it's producers making a political decision.

Every performance is an opportunity to have something new or to learn something new.

Just because you live longer doesn't necessarily give you a greater edge in quality.

The idea of experimenting with machines to create art was always something I tinkered with.

I have that language and that set of skills to step out of the way and make music the priority.

The mind does different things in performance, and conscious thought sometimes takes a backseat.

I usually just say I'm a stand-up comedian, but I use looping machines to create ideas with my voice.

If you pay attention to the world, it’s an amazing place. If you don’t, it’s whatever you think it is.

If you pay attention to the world, it's an amazing place. If you don't, it's whatever you think it is.

I like that feeling of discombobulation that comes in creating an absurd world that doesn't make sense.

Science gives you an understanding of the physical world, and it increases the capacity for fascination.

When I'm performing, I hope my research and my experience with those things I'm talking about rings true.

I'm hypoglycemic, so if I don't eat I start to get really blood-sugar crazy. I feel like I'm going insane.

I'm always trying to see things from different peoples' perspectives, to understand why they love something.

If I can learn a couple of phrases in Italian but do mostly weird, absurd music things, people will like it.

The most important thing is to keep creating and following my inklings as they come into being and acting on them.

Essentially a joke is creating an idea, whether sonic or visual, whether it's something musical or a traditional joke.

Whether I go to English-speaking countries or non-English-speaking countries I can just modulate to what works for them.

Not necessarily in the beginning, thinking I would have a career in comedy, but I was always interested in making people laugh.

When I'm at the piano, and I'm improvising some song about something, it usually oscillates between factual, absurd, and sincere.

Religions are the training wheels of self enlightenment. They can be helpful in the beginning but at some point they must be let go.

I wear the same pants, same shirt and same shoes every day. I learned it from the greats, like Einstein. It's a uniform essentially.

I was in punk rock bands, heavy metal bands, world music bands, jazz groups, any type of music that would take me. I just love music.

Ultimately I want to be able to create whatever I want whenever I want. And if that doesn't work, I don't mind just doing weird plays.

What I'm doing is not really based on a definite identification or a definition of what it is. It's intended to be open to interpretation.

The biggest fear that I have is settling into too many set behavior patterns, where I feel like I'm no longer exploring possibilities anymore.

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