I still feel like Ive crashed the party.

I still feel like I've crashed the party.

I'm not single, I'm busy. That's my line.

This [my backside] is still very, very big.

Shut up. Just shut up. You had me at 'hello'.

I believe in love, but I don't sit around waiting for it. I buy houses.

I can't think of anything more horrible than sharing what I'm doing all day!

If I'm going to give up the single life, it better be good - because I'm having fun!

Academics were important to my parents, as immigrants. Education is where it all begins.

Being horrible in a big film is a quicker nosedive than doing an obscure film and making no money.

My mum, a strange creature from the time when pickles on toothpicks were still the height of sophistication.

I remember just lying in the grass, staring at the clouds, wondering where they drifted off to after they floated over Texas.

I like to have nice conversations with a man that teach me something, make me mad, make me curious. Then I find him attractive.

I'm glad folks think I look different, I'm living a different, happy, more fulfilling life, and I'm thrilled that perhaps it shows.

I'm taking time to figure out where I want to go and what I want to do next. In this line of work, you become so defined by your job.

Sometimes I wake up at night and go, 'Oh, damn! Here we go again! What were they thinking? They gave me this role; don't they know I'm faking it?

Goodness in other people and what they contribute inspire me. I love it when someone is gifted and shares it in some way so that it has a trickle-down effect.

I won't talk about who I'm dating. Because it's dumb. It leads to nowhere good. I let everybody else in the media do that for me. It takes the responsibility off my shoulders!

Throughout our courtship, Kenny told me that he had proof that Saddam Hussein was a threat because he possessed weapons of mass destruction. I told him, 'You had me at weapons.'

I want to learn more. I want to know more. That's what taking this time is about. I'm curious about so many things, but haven't had occasion to be exposed to them enough to really appreciate them.

Deep down, I'm a Texas girl looking for that big romance every girl dreams about. Biologically, I look forward to being a cornerstone of a family. I'll be in my glory when I have a child on my knee.

Once you've reached the point where you can pay rent, you can go to the vet and you can go to the grocery store, after that point it's all the same. I don't have the appetite for a decadent lifestyle.

I'm grateful for the experiences I've accumulated. Of course, there are certain things you wish were not on anyone's list of life experiences, but it's a life. It's a good life. And I like what's there.

Exercise is my outlet, the one thing I do during the day that's mine and mine alone. I don't want to work with a trainer, and I don't want to go with friends to the gym. It's my solitude, and I need it.

When you think about it, when you're single you are not deprived in any way - if anything, it's a pretty self-indulgent lifestyle. It's selfish: You can make your own decisions and indulge yourself on an impulse.

I remember just lying in the grass, staring at the clouds, wondering where they drifted off to after they floated over Texas. I never would have imagined that one day I would follow one of those clouds and find myself in Hollywood.

Actually, I'm delighted when someone confesses to being surprised to discover something about me. It means I've been very successful in maintaining what is most precious to me - keeping the things that really matter in my life unexposed.

In a partner I'm looking for an encyclopedia and a dictionary. A bit of the Boy Scouts Handbook. A person who is conscientious about the trail he leaves behind him. Love. Unconditional kindness. Basically, I'm looking for the qualities I revere in my friends.

I have a job that requires me to get dressed up more often than if I were in another line of work, but I don't have a lot of indulgences. I like nice wine, and I like sushi, and those things aren't cheap. Well, they can be, but I don't think I'd go for the cheap fish!

Motherhood has never been an ambition. I don't think like that. I never have expectations like, 'When I'm 19 I'm going to do this, and by the time I've hit 25 I'm going to do that'. I just take things as they come, each day at a time, and if things happen then all well and good.

I'm attracted to intelligence and creativity and passion - and not necessarily the romantic kind. I want to learn from someone who is greedy for information and light and laughter and the whole world. Someone who celebrates their days and finds inspiration in what other people accomplish.

I've never been the sort of person who takes things for granted, and I'm not an acquisitions girl. So I didn't feel entitled to a car when I was 16. Of course, I was bummed I didn't get one, because I was an American Texas teenager! But I understood it. I've never gotten my self-esteem from having the newest, most spectacular thing.

I believe in love, but I'm not sitting around waiting for it. I buy houses. I travel. I take jobs on mountaintops in Transylvania... I know that happiness comes in many ways and if you spend your life hoping to be found by or to find a significant other, you're going to miss out on all that stuff. And that's what makes you special and makes your life rich.

My brother has two children now, so I've been playing aunt Renee. They're two and four. It's chaos. Moms out there, kudos to you. The cool thing about being an aunt is like, I can leave. No offense to my big brother Drew, but that is slavery. I dare you to take a shower. You can't do anything unless they let you. It's a dictatorship. They're little dictators in their crib.

I think we underestimate the importance of kindness sometimes. We understand the power of just a little tiny bit of kindness. It could be the catalyst for something so important. Sometimes just a tiny little gesture or an acknowledgment can make all the difference in turning somebody's life around. I think it has a trickle down effect, when you pass on what you receive without even knowing it. We also underestimate our own power to make a difference with the decisions that we make, every day.

I wanted to be self-sufficient, I wanted to take care of myself, and I wanted to learn. I wanted to travel, I wanted to see the world and have my eyes opened. I wanted to be consistently challenged, and I knew I needed to be creative in some way. When I got my job in a bar and I could pay for my tuition and go on auditions and sometimes get jobs that I loved and pay my rent, I knew that I would be all right. That's when my dreams came true, long before the telephone rang and someone said, 'Come and meet Tom Cruise'".

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