I just know what I want in life. I know what I want to achieve.

If I lose the ball, I want to be the first one trying to win it back.

I want to be a Premier League player, a Liverpool player and an England player.

I'm living by the beach so it's nice to wake up in the morning and see the beach.

Training should be tough, it should challenge you, because that's how you improve.

I was on a high after the Under-17 World Cup, with the manager talking about me a bit.

If you play football and fans are booing or saying negative stuff, it makes me play better.

With Swansea the aim is to get promoted and I'm going to try everything I can to help the team get there.

I want to be one of those strikers who not only scores goals and wins games, but who works hard for the team.

If I have a centre back giving me stick, I want to score and say, 'shut your mouth!' It makes me strive, man.

I'm a very ambitious player, and I want to be around those top players. I want to compete with them and learn from them.

Quite a few teams wanted me when I put it out there I wanted to go on loan. I thought Swansea was the best option for me.

I wasn't getting a lot of game-time at Liverpool, you guys could see that. I was just playing cup games and stuff like that.

But it's different in England. We have different players from different races, even in the lower leagues. They don't have that in some places abroad.

Being injured gives you the chance to reflect on the players who play in your position, too. You see things you can do, things you can maybe do better.

I was warming up with a couple of team-mates. We were all coloured and there were monkey chants. There were about 10 of them doing it. I didn't know what to do. It had never happened to me before. I told my coach and he went mad.

The operations were big ones, so I knew it'd take a lot of hard work. It's hard, you know? You're in the gym for hours on end doing strengthening exercises, and that's just so you are able to start running again. You can't even think about getting on the pitch to start with.

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