A full beard looks cool.

I do believe in pensions.

Te Papa Museum is brilliant.

Everyone loves a good baddie.

I was in a production of 'Macbeth.'

I'm looking forward to getting fat and old.

You've got to have baddies that you can boo.

Whatever I lack in talent I have in stamina.

I wouldn't even dare to sing like Ed Sheeran.

I think insanity is the hardest thing to play.

I'd like to act in a film without special effects.

I have a bit of pride, which is always my downfall.

There's a very strong force in Tolkien's characters.

I am just not a water baby. I can swim, but I just don't.

In school, I was a beanpole with a nose I hadn't grown into.

I was an estate agent for three years. That was pretty grim.

I don't think actors need to go on pedestals. I don't buy it.

You know, to an extent, Method acting feels occasionally lazy.

I wouldn't want a tattoo at all. They're difficult to cover up.

I didn't become an actor because I thought I'd make lots of money.

I've never been that cute kid that was forgiven for being naughty.

Give me a character that has an heroic quality, and I'll go there.

Adults will not necessarily laugh at the same thing as their children.

Light, trivial comedy does not appeal - it is not something I go to see.

When you already have a following, people are more likely to employ you.

I don't really like making too much of a statement with what I'm wearing.

You can't reject anything in your life as an artist. Everything has its use.

Once you don't smile on film, they say, 'Let's have that bloke who doesn't smile.'

I kind of got lost down a road of TV and film, so it's great to come back to theatre.

I think my fighting skills have certainly been improved by working with Peter Jackson.

Tolkien made dwarf sign language because, you know, it's too loud to talk in the mines.

Monet was like a conductor. He painted with quite a straight arm and used bold strokes.

I've become one of those actors who find it difficult to say 'no' when things are offered.

I think most five-foot-two people would be quite offended if they were to be called dwarves.

I'm probably not very good at rom-com, being funny on demand; I'll leave that to the comedians.

I know what Twitter is; I don't use it. I don't use Facebook, so luckily, it does zero to my ego.

I can work hard and be disciplined like a soldier, but I could never reach their level of fitness.

If you're used to being a maverick, then people don't get surprised when you start acting strangely.

I come from very conservative parents, and we weren't particularly wealthy, but we were comfortable.

I have a visual mind, so when I read a book, I get an instant picture in my head and it's very clear.

Small, slow growth is the best I expect from an investment. I'm a real saver: frugal - like my parents.

People get to know me slowly and over the course of time. I'll probably still be a newcomer when I'm 60.

I went into musical theatre, which I'm not really cut out for - I'm not as skilled at it as other people.

My mum will not speak above a low whisper in public because she doesn't want to draw attention to herself.

It is possible to work out of New York on film and television and still not lose your connection to theater.

I think that internal conflict works very well, because, after all, all the best drama is fuelled by conflict.

Do people really think that about my nose? I spent my whole life hating it, so it's amusing that people like it!

Some of the mail I've had has been weird. When I played Guy of Gisborne, a woman crocheted a mini-version of me.

I want to be strong enough to cope with the roles, but I don't want to be cast as the guy that takes his shirt off.

I never like to go out of character when filming starts. I fear that if I do, I might not be able to pick it up again.

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