Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to ...

Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.

Enjoy life while it is happening.

The test of love is in how we live.

We are what we are, wherever we are.

Live so as to have a quiet conscience.

Someone has to do everything that is done.

Your direction is more important than your speed.

The undertaking of a new action brings new strength.

There must be a priority of values in all our lives.

He who has ceased to pray has lost a great friendship.

We must carry things beyond conversation to conclusion.

This is life-and it is passing. What are we waiting for?

We can run away from where we are, but not from what we are.

There's no pillow quite so soft as a father's strong shoulder.

A boy is the only known substance from which a man can be made.

I don't think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it.

Shouldn't the commandments be re-written? No, they should be re-read!

Maturity begins on the day we accept responsibility for our own actions.

No man is so wise that he cannot benefit by talking things out with others.

Give no man sympathy because he has to work - it is his blessing that he can.

A person soon learns how little he knows when a child begins to ask questions.

We must not let the things we can't do keep us from doing the things we can do.

Things I don't understand don't destroy my faith in the things I do understand.

If you don't want temptation to follow you, don't act as if you are interested.

Happiness mainly depends on man's ability to work and the way in which he does it.

It is a great moment in life when a father sees a son grow taller than he or reach farther.

What better can parents and children give to each other than respectful, understanding attention.

Parents who indulge themselves 'in moderation' may have children who indulge themselves to excess.

Young people are going to go to someone, somewhere. And we had better see that that 'someone' is us.

We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and courage to stop what we shouldn't do.

What is it that makes us suppose that we can more easily do twice tomorrow what we didn't do once today!

Keep courage. Whatever you do, do not feel sorry for yourself. You will win in a great age of opportunity.

Go ahead with your life, your plans.... Don't waste time by stopping before the interruptions have started.

Whatever you do, do not feel sorry for yourself - things could always be worse and they are for someone else!

Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.

The interruption we now impatiently put off may be the most important thing we could be doing at this particular time?

One of our urgent opportunities is to respond to a child when he earnestly asks, remembering that they don't always ask.

In answer to the question, "Shouldn't the commandments be rewritten?," someone thoughtfully replied, "No, they should be reread."

Any man who can't control his thoughts can't control his actions, and any man who can't control his actions isn't safe in society.

May we never let the things we can't have or don't have or shouldn't have spoil our enjoyment of the things we do have and can have.

We should think seriously before we slam doors, before we burn bridges, before we saw off the limb on which we find ourselves sitting.

Humor is essential to a full and happy life. It is a reliever and relaxer of pressure and tension, and the saving element in many situations.

If we don't want temptation to follow us, we shouldn't act as if we are interested. No one ever fell over a precipice who never went near one.

Sincere love is something that sacrifices not something that indulges itself. Sincere love is responsible. It would never knowingly hurt, but would heal.

When in the world are we going to begin to live as if we understood that this is life? This is our time, our day...and it is passing. What are we waiting for?

Work is the best wonder drug ever devised by God. Work is as necessary to man as eating and sleeping. Pleasure derived from labor is the sweetest of all pleasures.

One of the greatest accomplishments in this world would be that of lifting human hearts. Blessed are they who are kind and considerate of the feelings of other people.

Too much pessimism has led too many men into making serious mistakes. And perhaps part of our pessimism comes because we are too close to ourselves to see in proper perspective.

Realize that the privilege to work is a gift. Love of work is success. Be thankful that every morning that you get up that you have some thing that must be done (whether you like it or not).

There are few of us but who have been touched somehow by death. Some may not have been touched closely by it nor yet have kept vigil with it, but somewhere along our lives, most of us are sorely bereft of someone near and deeply cherished - and all of us will some day meet it face to face.

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