It doesn’t matter,” said Adrian, smiling. He rested a hand on my shoulder. “Some things are worth the trouble.

But I couldn't help myself, couldn't help the way I felt as I recalled the bliss and rush of a vampire's bite.

Dreams, dreams. I walk them; I live them. I delude myself with them. It's a wonder I can spot reality anymore.

If she just wanted to come home at night to eye candy with good hair, I could probably be that reasonably well.

Don't cut it," he said gruffly. "But no one'll see my tattoos if I don't." "Wear it up." -Dimitri, Rose, Dimitri

I changed my mind," he said. "I'll take you up on helping me get a job." I almost swerved into oncoming traffic.

Of course I can climb it. I'm practically a progidy in PE," I pointed out. "The question is, can you, Mr Smoker?

I clung to that spark of hope, nurturing it into a small flame that chased some of the shadows in my heart away.

Carter leaned toward me and brushed the hair away from the side of my face. "Don't look down then," he whispered.

He looked up at me with angelic eyes. "Doing what?" "You know what. You're luring me in. You know I can't resist-

Good can still exist when bad things happen, just as evil persists when good things happen.” - Carter to Georgina

You can think whatever you want, do whatever you want. I'm going to just go on loving you, even if it's hopeless.

Rose, nothing in this world could make me hate you." "Not even trying to bring my ex-boyfriend back from the dead?

Whether it's simply some fierce animal joining of mates or a sublime merging of souls, she is mine, and I am hers.

Is he having a party?" "Dorian is a sociable king. He likes keeping people around him, mostly so he can mock them.

None of you appreciate me. Why is it so hard to believe that I could make a real contribution in these dark rimes?

My mind... It's who I am. I think I'd rather suffer any other injury in the world than have my mind tampered with.

Rose, I cheat at cards and buy liquor for minors. But I would never, ever force you into something you don't want.

While I'm fine with you two dating and being happy, please try not to break his heart too much when the time comes.

Back to prison. Maybe if you fake a heart attack, I can make a break for it. (Rose Hathaway says to Lissa Dragomir)

I had a standing arrangement with God: I'd agree to believe in him—barely—so long as he let me sleep in on Sundays.

The tension between us kicked up a notch, and I realized that along with our bodies being nearer, so were our lips.

I don’t belong to anyone. I make my own choices." "And you’re with Adrian," said Dimitri. "But I was meant for you.

Get up guys. We’ve got a visit to pay.” “What are you talking about?” “I am not hanging out with Blake Lazar again.

I couldn’t help it,” I said, knowing how lame that sounded. It was as bad as Angeline’s “it’s not my fault” mantra.

You understand your responsibilities better than guardians twice your age. You'll do what you have to do to succeed.

Come on outside when youʹre done,ʺ I told her. ʺItʹs like the barbecue of the damned. Except . . . thereʹs no grill.

Adrian's face was the picture of perfect politeness and restraint, meaning something disastrous was about to happen.

Why not wear a scar of Motherhood? Better than a tattoo or a mark of Honor. Let the world know what you've achieved.

Jill was tall and slim, like most Moroi. With that figure came a modest chest. Angeline's chest...was not so modest.

Ooh. Top secret angel business, huh? What’re you going to do? Dance on a pinhead? Lobby for National Cute Puppy Day?

Then, as one hand tightened on me and his other ran gently over my hair, I noticed something. He didn't smell right.

Moroi shied from the sunlight but as I watched Sydney, I knew without a doubt that humans had been made for the sun.

I felt a strange fluttering sensation in my chest. Butterflies, cardiac arrest . . . it was hard to say what exactly.

And after a while...I mean how do you choose? Who gets to live? Part of life is that...well, some people have to die.

It's a fact that people are afraid of what they don't understand. And most are too lazy or ignorant to find out more.

You and me are going to have so much fun, Rose. Picking out curtains, doing each other's hair, telling ghost stories.

Life, unfortunately, doesnʹt seem to care what we want. Act now while you can actually stop it from being a disaster.

And so, surpassing my own records for dangerous, reckless behavior, I ripped off Sonya's bracelet. "I'm Rose Hathaway.

I'm guessing whatever 'ways' you have in mind aren't Jill-appropriate either." "Put your books away and I'll show you.

It was one thing to accept I couldn't have Dimitri. It was something entirely different to realize someone else could.

Adrian: I find prostitutes vastly important. Nathan Ivashkov: Well. How refreshing to see that things haven’t changed.

Seth moved behind me, his presence steady and reassuring. Waiting to catch me, even though I refused to fall just yet.

I won't lie. Walking into a room and seeing your girlfriend reading a baby-name book can kind of make your heart stop.

"Well, I'm supposed to be crazy, right?" [...] "And there isn't much I wouldn't do for you. The stupider, the better."

It was the most convulted, ridiculous piece of logic I'd heard in awhile... It was something I would have come up with.

Do you believe in fairy tales?" "What...what kind of fairy tales?" "The kind you aren't supposed to waste your life on.

Things on the essential list: vodka, Nine Inch Nails, a steady supply of mortal men, and an all-purpose bitchy attitude.

And I told you, I'm not going to pursue another man's girlfriend. You want to talk honor. There it is in its purest form

Hey Mason, wipe that drool off you face. If you're going to think about me naked, do it on your own time. -Rose to Mason

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