I couldn't stop staring at the cave, back where Dimitri was, back where half of my soul was.

Itʹs not just the dress or the hair. Itʹs you. Youʹre beautiful. So beautiful, it hurts me.ʺ

Sometimes it's worth lingering on the journey for a while before getting to the destination.

Under normal circumstances, you inviting me to the bedroom would be the highlight of my day.

Couldn't Lissa have healed that black eye away?" "Its a badge of honor. Makes me seem manly.

This was the kind of dress that changed the world. The kind of dress that started religions.

Too bad. Family members hit you by accident. Psychopathic whores tend to come back for more.

I haven’t even really tried to win you over, Roza. When I want to, I can be very persuasive.

Fine, I guess it's ok then. Go ahead." "Huh? What's ok?" "It's okay if you marry my brother.

I've heard that the soul often recognizes truth when it hears it, even if the mind does not.

I supposed if you were going to make a career of breaking laws, you might as well know them.

Honor, I thought. For real: the guardians should have taught it. Because I hadn't learned it.

Those who have to ask if faith is true are opening up a discussion they may not be ready for.

In fact I was fairly certain there was no one in the entire world quite like Adrian Ivashkov.

I had no reason to get all goofy, just because the man was too good-looking for his own good.

Love and Loyalty, run deeper than blood." Love that quote even though I haven't read the book.

I also have a feeling your mother’s going to have a very ugly conversation with me." – Dimitri

Because it’s our duty to God to protect the rest of humanity from evil creatures of the night.

Besides, I could hardly complain to the administration that I was being forced to learn magic.

I love you, and beneath all that logic, calculation, and superstition, I know you love me too.

All right," I managed to say, just before I crumpled to the floor. "Let's see what you've got.

But each time you use spirit, you're more likely to go crazy.” “Already crazy about you, Sage.

Did you know that it's a lot harder to put organs back in the body than it is to get them out?

As long as we’re together, that’s how we’ll be. No trembling. No faltering. We’re unstoppable.

You never really realize how many people care about you until they all turn out to support you.

You’re a terrible liar, Sage, but I’m still touched you’d attempt it for my sake. A for effort.

Oh, and I’m also happy to watch our darling little love child dragon while you’re in St. Louis.

Wait until next time," he warned. "I'll do things that'll make you lose control within seconds.

ʺWhy,ʺ he began slowly, ʺis Victor Dashkov joining us?ʺ ʺWell, itʹs kind of a funny story . . .ʺ

Abe glanced at Rose. "You see that?" he said. "Now that's devotion." She rolled her eyes at him.

I'll find you. There is no place in this world you can hide from me. I'm watching. Love, Dimitri

I was so awash in sensory overload that I was caught completely unaware when he did push me away

...hot pink with a star done in rainbow rhinestones on the front. It was god-awful. I bought it.

Whereas Angeline's antics made me want to pull out my hair sometimes, Trey found them endearing.

Nah. I’m a consultant, of course. Everyone’s favorite nondescript yet well-paid white-collar job.

Are you sleepwalking?' A voice asked behind me. "I was testing dorm security," I said. "It sucks.

Which is weird. But not the craziest thing I can think of Rose doing.ʺ I appreciated the support.

You and I have never liked each other, Rose. If I’ve got to kill someone, it might as well be you.

If I let myself love you, I won't throw myself in front of her. I'll throw myself in front of you.

I know how devastated you must be to miss me, but leave a message, and I'll try to ease your agony

If we could manage any sort of trust again... Well. That would make me happier than you can imagine

Because it's simple, I love you, and I don't want to keep pretending like I don't. -Rose to Dimitri

Seth told us good night and left. I watched him go wistfully. “Anyone else here feel like swooning?

What is it with you and frozen desserts Why do you always want them?" "Because we live in a dessert.

ARE YOU CRAZY?" I ASKED. He gave me the same wordless look he always did when I asked that question.

I certainly hadn't expected to walk away from today's trip with joint custody of a miniature dragon.

Have you ever wanted to put on a Santa suit?" "I have always wanted to do that," said Carter gravely.

I was so tired of being told reasonable, practical things whenever something went wrong with my life.

Right. As opposed to your cradle-robbing mentor. I don't really see you making much progress with him.

I fought against her, trying to mount some kind of defense, but it was like fighting Dimitri on crack.

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