I have seen my mugshot.

I mean I was famous for nothing.

I meditate. Meditation helps me.

I was more than just a moody artist.

Music is a 24-hour-a-day thing for me.

I'm surrounded by great guitar players.

I'll watch any show on the History Channel.

You know, everybody is dealing with issues.

I like to write when I feel I'm the real me.

Everything looks better with my eyes closed.

I think good art does come from a dark place.

I was a happy kid up until I hit the teen years.

She's loving him with that body, I just know it.

It's a rock 'n' roll thing to have one-night stands.

I don't think anyone ever feels acknowledged enough.

Once I discovered music, I knew what I wanted to do.

The first guitar I ever got was for my 13th birthday.

I was one of those dark, quiet kids that wrote poetry.

I can't imagine that anybody is as screwed up as I am.

I was - I've always been a bit of perpetual adolescent.

I get inspired at different times and in different ways.

I think we shape God in our own image a lot of the time.

I was very fortunate to be at the vanguard of music video.

I would have been an Egyptologist if I had had the schooling.

Young female voices are the loudest voices of all with the fans.

Over all life is what it is and regretting is a pointless thing.

Yes, all my songs come from personal experience and relationships.

The danger in promiscuity is that it's always barking at your heels.

I don't want to mix the identities. Noah Drake isn't Rick Springfield.

Karma is not just about the troubles, but also about surmounting them.

Wait a minute man, who do you think I am? He answered, Mr. Springsteen.

Other than dying, I think puberty is probably about as rough as it gets.

I went to America and got into a band, had success, had hits in Australia.

I've been writing songs since I was 14 years old, and that's my true love.

If the timing's right and the gods are with you, something special happens.

I've heard from writers and musicians and fans that they think I'm underrated.

I got sick of playing husbands and boyfriends because there was nothing there.

I learned to read and write and socialize in school, and that's pretty much it.

You never really shake depression and that's a tough road you have to deal with.

I was pretty burned out in '85 and was getting - starting to get into some issues.

I've gone pretty high at times so I think the yin yang of that is going pretty low.

You always want to feel you're not the only one going through something unpleasant.

My wife and I have built trust with our children and have always had open communication.

There will always be rock stars, but I don't know how much depth and longevity they'll have.

When someone pursues music through your music, that's the greatest accolade anybody can get.

There were times when I've not wanted to be in my own skin, and that's a very scary feeling.

I'm thankful for serendipitous moments in my life, where things could've gone the other way.

I took that time off - I knew it was messing me up, not being connected to a spiritual plane.

Puberty hit me very hard, and I basically had no use for school once I discovered the guitar.

If you want something you just have to see it and believe in it and not take no for an answer.

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