My father ran a grocery store.

I was a small-town boy with big dreams.

By 2023, we will be the world's largest hotel chain.

It is very important to find a calling and pursue it.

I started taking programming lessons at the age of 10.

Stay away from family when you are working on a startup.

The reality of a startup is you have failures very often.

We want to be a daily brand but not once-in-a-while brand.

Building culture as part of your team is extremely important.

I had three other siblings, and I was the youngest of the lot.

Whenever I go to Odisha, I make it a point to converse in Odia.

Oyo has no plans for an IPO because we are focused on execution.

I started Oyo right out of my high school, with limited resources.

When I go to colleges for talks, I encourage the students to drop out.

Customer expectation and need was quite limited when we started in 2013.

One should accept failure, and be willing to learn, unlearn and relearn again.

At heart, I am still the guy who loves tinkering with machines and writing code.

Our first cultural attribute is over-communication rather than under-communication.

Everybody has a dream of being the most impactful company in their segment worldwide.

I love Mark Twain's words - 'I've never allowed college to interfere with my education.'

I grew up in Rayagada in Orissa state in eastern India. Few people have even heard of it.

Geopolitical impact is going to become one of the big risks for companies which are global.

SoftBank's $100 million investment helped cement our reputation as a start-up with a promise.

I went for two days to the Delhi Campus of the University of London and did not go back again.

We want to convert broken, unbranded assets around the globe into better-quality living spaces.

Oyo is not a market place. Oyo is a fully fledged hotel chain that leases and franchises assets.

No one in my town had ever gone to Kota. I mean, it was a big deal if people went to Bhubaneswar.

The scale of impact that people aspire to create, based out of the Bay Area, is truly incredible.

What we are unlikely to do as a leading brand space is just buy revenue or partnership with hotels.

People regardless of age are able to do a good job if they're inspired by the leader they work with.

I grew up in Rayagada in Odisha, in a middle-class family. But I always had the entrepreneurial bug.

I don't dissuade people from formal education. What I encourage them to do is to follow their dreams.

We are building OYO to be the preferred hospitality brand for consumers in the new post-COVID reality.

My home has three-tier security, which is valuable to me considering I get five death threats a month.

Leaders at Oyo aspire for ambitious targets which act as directional north stars for building for scale.

We have partnered Highgate to create our first key flagship property in Las Vegas - Oyo Hotels & Casino.

I dreamt of running my own business even as a kid, but if not a CEO, I would have probably been a pilot.

Masayoshi Son is one of the most innovative and impactful thinkers and problem-solvers of our generation.

I'm a college dropout. My parents thought they had three respectable children, and I was the black sheep.

There were business challenges, a lot of imitators sprung up, but we built a product that customers love.

I had gone from a small town in the eastern corner of India to San Francisco, and I was very lucky to get that.

I can speak Odiya, Telugu, apart from Hindi and a little bit of Rajasthani, so, truly Indian from that context.

While one is in the process of coming up with a truly innovative solution, it is essential to keep an open mind.

At the end of every year our management regroups and thinks about things we did right and what we could improve.

In markets such as the US, China, we want to continuously improve our products and services to win market share.

Our focus area would be recruiting people along with building great technology as well as building a great brand.

I started my life on the ground selling sim card, telecom products and so on and learned a heck of a lot doing that.

There is always room for improvement in experience and it can be achieved if one listens to the customers carefully.

As a responsible consumer brand, we have not just built for the short term, but build for longer-term relationships.

My mom is surely worried that the fact that I don't have a college degree will impact my chances of finding a bride.

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