I love my craft.

I love getting older.

Women love the bad boy.

We can't be beholden to the past.

I wasted so many years in my youth.

The Internet snark has zero effect on me.

I'm not that guy that blows deadlines anymore.

I've seen every Ryan Reynolds movie. I'm a fan.

I'm very invested in 'Youngblood' at all stages.

Late '90s, early 2000s, Rob was in a definite fog.

The visual of Deadpool was very informed by Spider-Man.

I grew up on R-rated action films, and you didn't blink.

My characters came with a lot of gear, a lot of weaponry.

I've been as much a DC guy as anything else my entire fan life.

As I get older and more mature, my artwork changes accordingly.

At nine years old, I saw 'Star Wars.' I saw it a gazillion times.

As to Batman, turns out I really prefer Robin over the Dark Knight.

I'm not a fan of the Michael Keaton 'Batman,' which came out in 1989.

I can tell you, young 22-year-old Rob Liefeld was having quite a run.

Captain America and the Avengers were my favorite characters as a kid.

Deadpool was intended, as Cable was, to be tied into Wolverine's history.

Our style, in one word, the Image guys, our approach to the page was bold.

I love Deathstroke! I was 12 in 1980 when Deathstroke appeared in 'Teen Titans' #2.

I've always had a fortunate knack for grabbing young talent and giving them a break.

I've got three kids, and my three kids make me feel like I'm getting older every day.

I love 'Captain America.' I love those fight sequences, but I've seen them multiple times.

I had gotten a lot of acclaim for giving a previously dead franchise, 'Hawk & Dove,' a facelift.

You can't rewrite the history books; you can't eliminate the impact of my work and my characters.

'Brigade' is about one man leading his team to save the fabric of reality even as it comes undone.

Marvel comics took a chance on me in my youth, allowing me to create so many toys in their sandbox.

'Deadpool' was 'Alien.' It's brilliant. It completely works. It's a masterpiece. 'Deadpool 2' is 'Aliens.'

When you hold something you created, drew, and conceived, and now here it is in 3D plastic - it is a rush.

I never thought we'd live in an age where we'd get to 2008's 'Iron Man,' which I think is a perfect movie.

All comic-book artists secretly want a successful television or movie project because of the wider audience.

Carter Hall is a cross between Indiana Jones and Robert Langdon from 'Da Vinci Code' and 'Angels and Demons.'

Deadpool was introduced as a mercenary and a bounty hunter... because I was so crazy for Boba Fett when I was a kid.

Gene Hackman's portrayal of Lex Luthor did not exist in comic books. This is not my Lex Luthor, but I really like it.

I always had a great history of comics. I've been buying them since I was six years old. I was a student of the craft.

I am a lifelong Moebius geek. The European approach is perfect, the art is beautiful, and the storytelling is fantastic.

If you only see 'No Country for Old Men' and 'Sicario,' you've seen two great, totally separate Josh Brolin performances.

I love drawing Ryan Reynolds in his Deadpool costume. He looks amazing and is the true embodiment of the Merc with a Mouth!

I'm capable of a ton of work. My Kirby gene has been fully activated. And by that, I mean the capability to draw many pages.

The Tony Stark I grew up with wasn't as snappy and as quippy as Downey Jr. made him, but now I only think of his performance.

Even if it flops, when you're sitting at the drawing table, you dream about seeing your work on the big screen, no matter what.

I ended up making my name at Marvel, but I've always desired greater access to the DCU characters. Bottom line: I'm a huge fan.

My entire tenth grade year, my dad was in a coma. That changes a person. It changes a kid. It makes you ridiculously independent.

Mercenaries, to me, were always able to switch sides because they're motivated by cash. Deadpool has always been a shifty bastard.

I've always loved both Marvel and DC equally, but I don't have a career without DC giving me the original 'Hawk and Dove' mini-series.

I was given a chance to re-haul 'New Mutants' and take it from the dog of the 'X-Men' office to 1 million copies with its final issue.

We've had a steady diet of that PG-13 entertainment. It's the best vanilla you can buy. It's delicious, but it's getting kind of samey.

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