I celebrate Christmas with wilful glee.

I can smell a liar like a fart in a lift!

Acting, when it is good, can be transformative.

It's always nice to have new clothes made for you.

People form strong attachments to their properties.

I loathe people who are disingenuous or inauthentic.

I like people to be authentic, thoughtful, and honest.

The difficulty with American television is it's pot luck.

I'm very much into Barry's Boot Camp... it's the real deal.

We need journalists to be fearless and hold power to account.

Verbal contracts are about as useful as a fart on a treadmill.

One of the happy consequences of my brain is that I rarely sleep.

Youthful beauty is a poor indicator of long-term appeal in a man.

It is difficult to ever think about your loved one having suffered.

The state of some of our roads is a matter of national embarrassment.

I respond well to terribly beautiful, terribly brilliant Russian women.

Above all else, look around to employ the best talent you possibly can.

I don't want to be a total moron and be just known as the jazz-handed judge.

Never trust people; always trust paper. I'd marry a piece of paper if I could.

From time to time, I definitely look witheringly, which is why I'm well known.

I know a bit about taxation and the remarkable effort that goes in to avoiding it.

If the press is to be free, the state has no role in regulating what is published.

Anyone who's been in my court knows my maxim: 'If you make them, you pay for them!'

I wish I had a filter; then, I'd suspect, who knows? I'd perhaps have more friends.

I think with 'Strictly,' people don't want you to do badly. They're willing you to do well.

If a deal advertised on an unknown website looks too good to be true, it almost certainly is.

Before starting a building project, it is wise to discuss your plans in full with the neighbours.

Even my trolls have started taking the trouble to spell their Tweets correctly, which is thoughtful.

When I first heard Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way,' I looked out the window for the car alarm going off.

When somebody teaches you to love something, you never forget that! It's such a generous thing to do.

Fitness is really important for my mental and emotional equilibrium as well as my physical wellbeing.

I think I'm incredibly stoic. If I have a bad headache, it takes a while before I reach for a tablet.

I find it amusing when you look at plastic surgeons because they don't seem to have had anything done.

There's a lot of judges on TV in America. Apart from Judge Judy, the vast majority of them are terrible.

I am unashamed to say that I have a super-crush on Kate Oates, the series producer of 'Coronation Street.'

My musical taste is somewhat dated - I mean, freeze frame, go back 60 years, and you're in my comfort zone.

It is always best to settle all outstanding financial matters as soon as divorce proceedings are concluded.

If a person is seriously injured as a result of someone else's negligence, then they are entitled to compensation.

My genuine passion for dance was born watching Ballet Rambert perform Christopher Bruce's harrowing 'Ghost Dances.'

The family court is extremely child focussed. Its overriding objective is to do what is in a child's best interests.

I think if you put 100% into anything and you do it with authenticity and enthusiasm, then it really shines through.

It is splendid to be supportive when you see those around you doing well, but blind praise is easier than harsh facts.

There's something fundamentally grubby about the rich paying people to seek out cracks in the system to hide their money.

If an employer decides to flout the law, it may be guilty of criminal offences and subject to serious financial liability.

Is it exploitative to get the victim of an unimaginably horrific crime to talk on my show 'Crime Stories?' No, it's crucial.

There's certainly more chance of me winning 'Strictly' than having an affair with my dance partner, but you know, who knows?

My sexuality, in terms of 'Strictly' or whatever else I do in my life, ought to be as irrelevant as the length of my big toe.

Ultimately, whenever you have a new opportunity, do it with gusto and fun and be wholly indifferent to what other people think.

You can separate the church and state all you like, but Christmas is inescapable, and it's marvellous, and it's not going away.

No matter how excluded you have become from Christmas, it is a genuinely inclusive matter; frankly, you are conscripted into it.

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