Ideas have consequences.

Nothing could be more regressive than carbon taxes.

Fewer jobs, at lower pay. That's what Obamacare means.

I run a small company with 18 employees on its payroll.

The NASA humans-to-Mars program is all sizzle and no steak.

Energy powers our economy, both literally and figuratively.

Would offering the Mars Prize damage NASA? I don't think so.

The United States has the largest and best navy in the world.

The No. 1 purpose of the federal government is national defense.

Science is not a collection of facts; it is a process of discovery.

The more that energy costs, the less economic activity there can be.

The space program needs a goal, and the goal should be humans to Mars.

Through our CO2 emissions, we are making the earth a more fertile world.

The U.S. federal government may be going broke, but it's not because of NASA.

The use of hunger as a weapon of political control is a crime against humanity.

I own a small aerospace company that does some business with the U.S. government.

What Russia really needs is not gay rights but human rights, and the rule of law.

Every dollar added to the price of oil weakens America and strengthens her enemies.

The federal government was created to defend the United States, not to wage war upon it.

The American people want and deserve a space program truly worthy of a nation of pioneers.

Our European allies need to be able to buy our fuel, or they will fall to enemy domination.

Nothing could do more to help the world's poor than to make fossil fuels cheap and plentiful.

The relationship between carbon consumption and human well-being is causal, not coincidental.

As one of its first acts after coming into existence, the EPA banned the vital pesticide DDT.

Every dollar cut from the price of oil weakens the enemies of freedom and strengthens America.

The largest automobile company in the world is Volkswagen. Who owns it? The answer is the government of Qatar.

No one can prevent hurricanes, but prosperous communities are much better able to withstand them than poor ones.

Human population supplies the labor necessary for the creation of wealth; carbon supplies the matter and energy.

The well-stuffed slave masters currently gorging themselves in Cuba's halls of power need to be held accountable.

Despite being bailed out - in some cases repeatedly - by the public purse, the automakers have shown little public spirit.

In the 1940s, the petroleum business was an American game, and it was enormously to our advantage that the world ran on oil.

Can we achieve 140 mpg fuel economy? You bet. Just get the bureaucrats out of the way, and Yankee ingenuity will do the rest.

The Earth is not endangered by humanity. But humanity is being seriously threatened by those who follow the guides of the WWF.

It should be noted that the EPA's banning of methanol is categorically absurd from the point of view of environmental protection.

The United States should give former NSA contractor Edward Snowden immunity from prosecution in exchange for congressional testimony.

When the government mandates that everyone must buy a product, its sellers can, and will, increase its price, potentially without limit.

The U.S. trade embargo on Cuba is almost completely ineffective, as many other countries, including the European Union, do not honor it.

The Putin regime's income comes from oil and gas exports. If we could crash the price of these commodities, we could bankrupt the regime.

The anti-American policy is the one that keeps oil prices up. The way to do that is to help OPEC limit the amount of liquid fuel available.

People make their own fates, and if enough of us make our fate to be space explorers, perhaps we can actually get some space exploration done.

Putin is sometimes described as a revanchist, seeking to recreate the Soviet Union. That is a useful shorthand, but it is not really accurate.

The natural-gas industry is screaming for new markets, and there are only two sectors where these can be found: transportation and power generation.

Nothing could do more harm to America's national security than a carbon-restricted, depressed economy that would make funding our military impossible.

Some conservatives say that whether it's popular or unpopular, imposing strict limits on immigration is the right thing to do, and it must be defended.

The EPA must be forbidden to seize or destroy the property of any person until and unless such person has been found guilty of a crime in a court of law.

Before agriculture was invented, land was not a resource. Before oil drilling and nuclear fission were invented, petroleum and uranium were not resources.

The pro-American policy is the one that forces oil prices down. The way to do this is to flood the world market with liquid fuel from every source possible.

Starting as a few bands of hunter-gatherers, humanity expanded the food resources afforded by the land a thousandfold through the development of agriculture.

Europe certainly needs a genuine conservative movement to combat the creeping bureaucratic collectivism that is stifling the human potential of the Continent.

The Yanukovych regime is a mafia, which regularly threatens, imprisons, murders, or disappears political opponents as well as those whose possessions it covets.

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