Wolves have no kings.

But a living is not a life.

Fitz fixes fyces fitz.Fatsafices.

Cats talk to whomever they please.

The fight isn't over until you win.

I think it was always okay to be a geek.

You are confusing plumbing and love again.

Very little worth knowing is taught by fear.

You can be the dead fish. I'll be the old stick

Men of passion and vision are often seen as mad.

I never confuse the cost of something with its value

the greatest danger is always the one we are ignorant of.

There is little in life so reassuring as a genuine welcome.

Diplomacy is the velvet glove that cloaks the fist of power.

It's too late to apologize for. I have already forgiven you.

The man who must brag for himself knows that no one else will

Men cannot grieve as dogs do. But they grieve for many years.

One had a knife. But I had a staff and was trained to use it.

The biggest doubts come in the five minutes after I hit send.

I am the King's Fool. He is the King-In-Wating. Let him wait.

Death is not the opposite of life, but the opposite of choice.

Start writing sooner. Don't wait for permission. Don't hesitate.

No man is so dangerous as the man who cannot decide what he fears.

Stop longing.You poison today’s ease, reaching always for tomorrow.

Most prisons are of our own making. A man makes his own freedom, too.

Nothing takes the heart out of a man more than the expectation of failure.

What a man can take with a sword, a woman can give by her flesh alone. Life.

Tomorrow owes you the sum of your yesterdays. No more than that. And no less.

Some people say 'I want to be a writer,' and some people say, 'I want to write.'

I actually think that short stories transfer to film much better than novels do.

I do not know whom I wish to win; until I do, I will let no player be eliminated.

Anticipating pain was like enduring it twice. Why not anticipate pleasure instead?

One must plan for the future and anticipate the future without fearing the future.

A woman of many talents. And intelligent, too. He'd probably have to kill her soon.

Writing and reading fiction is, I think, a human effort to make sense of the world.

For the weakest has but to try his strength to find it, and then he shall be strong.

Not being able to think of a reply is not the same thing as accepting another's words.

I feared my own kind more than anything the natural world could ever threaten me with.

Silence can ask all the questions, where the tongue is prone to ask only the wrong one.

If I had a dog that was sick as often as you are, I'd put it down," he observed kindly.

Boredom is vastly underrated. Boredom means that nothing is trying to kill you every day.

A time when it is far too early to arise, but so late that going to bed makes small sense.

Look forward, not back. Correct your course and go on. You cannot undo yesterday's journey.

Don’t do what you can’t undo, until you’ve considered what you can’t do once you’ve done it.

I healed. Not completely. A scar is never the same as good flesh, but it stops the bleeding.

One can only walk so far from one's true self before the bond either snaps, or pulls one back.

Your future. It awaits only you, to live it and to write it. - Shaman's Crossing by Robin Hobb

Thinking is not always...comforting. It is always good, but not always comforting. Royal Assassin

When both my editors say 'This is really bad, you need to change this,' I ignore that at my peril.

I think when writers play with dragons, we are simply doing what fantasy writers have always done.

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