Television is not a gimmick.

I don't care what the polls say.

'Vanity Fair' is a left-wing rag.

Television and I grew up together.

I've been an underdog all my life.

I want to elect the next president.

I quit politics because I hated it.

Truth is whatever people will believe.

I don't tell Rupert Murdoch who to endorse.

I can't look hip, but I don't want to be hip.

I would like to be on 'Dancing with the Stars.'

I only understand friendship or scorched earth.

I'm a great believer in giving people a chance.

A lot of what we do at Fox is blue-collar stuff.

The NBC News people won't get caught dead on MSNBC.

You never pull the trigger until you know you can win.

I don't rise to the occasion when there's no occasion.

I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings.

The candidates that can’t face Fox, can’t face al Qaeda.

I never want to get caught with not expecting something.

I don't pay a lot of attention to communist infiltrators.

I go to mass every Sunday, which is a shock to everybody.

The news business is simple, but it's not easy to do well.

Wolf Blitzer is an excellent reporter, but he's not a star.

Listen, we elected Warren G. Harding. Anybody has a chance.

I want to prove that a fat guy can get to 100 still working.

Usually, there are three or four major news spikes per year.

I consider myself a freedom fighter, fighting for my clients.

I have a good eye for talent, and my talent performs the best.

The difference between pros and amateurs is that pros play hurt.

I've been kicked out of every damn church I've ever belonged to.

Attacking me and Fox News is nothing new - it's a cottage industry.

My first qualification is I didn't go to Columbia Journalism School.

My job is to cover the news and do it accurately and fair. And we do.

It's better to be in charge of change than to have to react to change.

I don't ignore anything. Somebody gets in my face, I get in their face.

Van Jones has one job: to stir up racism, whether he can find it or not.

I think almost everything in life is life-experience, personality-driven.

Giving up your core business in search of a phantom audience is not wise.

I have a soft spot for Joe Biden. I like him. But he's dumb as an ashtray.

I have a soft spot for Joe Biden. I like him. But he’s dumb as an ashtray.

It is a tremendous sacrifice to run for political office in America today.

There are more conservatives on Fox. But we are not a conservative network.

Every other network has given all their shows to liberals. We are the balance.

A guy who gets fired and humiliated in the press can lose a lot of confidence.

I worked three summers putting in sewer pipe and guardrail on the road in Ohio.

What I think works for Fox News is we have a very direct form of communication.

My toughest job every day is maintaining intensity with myself and with my staff.

In a capitalistic society, success is determined by whether you can pay the bills.

I've got a bad leg; I'm a little overweight, so I can't run fast, but I will fight.

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