Let the revolution begin.

I have some help on tweeting.

Privacy IS freedom. Leave us alone!

Truth is treason in the empire of lies.

I would say that I'm pretty mainstream.

There is no such thing as a hate crime.

This much is true: you have been lied to.

Libertarianism is the enemy of all racism.

Big government flourishes under Republicans.

The only thing we should prohibit is violence.

Don't steal - the government hates competition!

I take my marching orders from the Constitution.

Government is the enemy of conservatism and freedom.

Israeli government & the neocons want US to bomb Iran.

I'm an imperfect messenger, but the message is perfect.

If economy were good, there'd be no immigration problem.

Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy.

Liberty built civilization. It can rebuild civilization.

I'd like to think of myself as the flavor of the decade.

Suicide terrorism stops when we stop intervening abroad.

I wouldn't vote against getting rid of the Jim Crow laws.

Stop policing the world and we can get rid of income tax.

If you sacrifice liberty for security, you will lose both.

I never voted to spend one penny of Social Security money.

If Iran invaded Israel, it's up to Congress to declare war.

Terror is a tactic. We can not wage "war" against a tactic.

Get rid of IRS; get rid of income tax; get rid of spending.

Amend Constitution to remove aliens' birthright citizenship.

If you can’t protect life, then how can you protect liberty?

We don't need any troops abroad-they don't help our defense.

The freedom message brings us together, it doesn't divide us.

Bush humble foreign policy was hijacked into nation-building.

Close Dept. of Education, but don't dismantle public schools.

Every country ended slavery without civil war; US could have.

Because gold is honest money it is disliked by dishonest men.

In wartime, people willing to sacrifice liberty for security.

A failing state cannot stop a revolution whose time has come.

Only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions.

Once created, federal programs are nearly impossible to eliminate.

Right now, nobody legalized paper money. Where did that come from.

People should not be able to vote to take away the rights of others.

Capitalism should not be condemned, since we haven't had capitalism.

I lean toward a flat tax. But I want to make it real flat, like ZERO.

It is dissent from government policies which defines the true Patriot

The Federal Reserve System is nothing more than legalized counterfeit.

I would like to restore your right to drink raw milk anytime you like.

An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any army or any force.

I believe that Israel is one of our most important friends in the world.

They've been taught by too many that this war was necessary when it isn't.

Scientifically, there's no debate over whether the fetus is alive and human.

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