I just want to be a good man.

I cook and do my own laundry.

I would love to do a Bollywood flick.

I love iTunes. I love downloading music.

I have a Superman tattoo on my right arm.

I have a great relationship with my kids.

I've always been quite an insecure person.

I don't know how to use a washing machine.

I do not regret the end of my first marriage.

The song 'Gave It All Away' has a reggae sound.

My future definitely lies in the music business.

Even at our height, we were never very polished.

I listen to loads of different music all the time.

I want time for my career, my kids, and my partner.

I always wanted to make my parents feel proud of me.

Music is my heart and soul. That's what I love to do.

Having the guts to be the person you are is what makes you brave.

As a kid, I was called Tintin because of my hair colour and style.

If Simon Cowell asked me, of course I would love to do 'X Factor.'

All my children are blessings. I love them to bits. They're my world.

I am not a fan of being in the sea. I like being in a boat - sailing.

I'm glad to have a couple a quid in my pocket to be able to enjoy life.

I've done a couple of castings... I've done an audition for 'The Hobbit.'

It's that kind of Dublin mentality: you just have to grin and bear some things.

I'm not doing 'Once' to prove that I'm worldly or cultured. I just love the role.

The toughest challenges I've faced are the deaths of my mother and Stephen Gately.

I can take too big a step. I can try to be too cool, and people won't accept that.

I'd tell my 16-year-old self, 'Don't take yourself so seriously, and just have fun.'

I don't need to do or say things to place me in a position where I look a bit cooler.

I'm a pop artist, and that's what I'll always be. I don't want to be a 'credible artist.'

My faith is in God. If it's a little statue of Buddha or whatever works for you, brilliant.

It was amazing to be on the map, to be recognised by other artists, and to be so successful.

Twenty-five years has been a good run. Boy bands like Boyzone don't get to last this long, usually.

Coffee isn't just a source of pleasure for me: it is something I rely on to get me through the day.

I've gone through some dark times, and at those times, my tattoos have helped and guided me through.

My 13 year old, my girl Missy, has made four feature films. She's the most grounded, level-headed kid.

Director Baz Luhrmann flew me to New York to read for 'Moulin Rouge!' Maybe I was a little blase about it.

I grew up as the youngest child in a big, noisy family, and there was always someone around to hang out with.

Most people think of ballet as children in little tutus. They don't know it is sweat, blood and tears as well!

If you're an up-and-coming star, and you want to do well, then a show like 'The X Factor' is really important.

Being in a boy band, everyone has an opinion of all of us and what we do. There was a time I fought with that.

The one thing I have always tried to get across is what you see is what you get. This is me, like it or lump it.

My average day is with my wife and kids in Dublin, doing school runs, grocery store, feeding and walking the dogs.

I wanted to be Jon Bon Jovi and Bono. But I'm not that cool. I don't need to be. I'm not a rock star. I am who I am.

I've always had to work to feel reassured, to feel secure, and that's not nice because you don't know where you stand.

I think my feet were on the ground, and I had good family around me. It comes down to who you are and your upbringing.

I'm not nervous coming back to my old audience. I'm looking forward to it. That's really what I do; that's my day job.

I find the Aussies are great and just let you be. The odd time, somebody has something smart to say, but it's very rare.

You can stay in situations just for the sake of it. That can be a very dangerous thing and tough on your soul and heart.

I hate seeing people getting a raw deal and artists not being in control of what they are doing. It happens all the time.

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