Sports are a metaphor for life.

Everything happens for a reason.

No one has the right to beat you.

Strong and healthy is the new sexy.

I am vulnerable; that's why I fight.

Buffalo wings and cider is all I need.

Being an athlete, you try to get protein.

No one is easy until you actually beat them.

I'm going to beat Alexis Davis then take a nap

You have to have fear in order to have courage.

Bartending took the romanticism out of drinking.

Even before I was a fighter, I was a daddy's girl.

Fighting is not a man's thing, it is a human thing.

I train to be the best in the world on my worst day

I'm a courageous person because I'm a scared person.

Confidence is the number one thing I find attractive.

Mine's going to be the best book tour that ever happened!

Look at my face. Does it look like I can take a good hit?

Complimenting yourself is the funnest form of manifestation.

I always say you have to be willing to get your heart broken.

At the end of the day, I can't curl up with people's opinions.

There's no way to recover after tarnishing an undefeated record.

Skinny girls look good in clothes, but fit chicks look good naked

Even if they don't know it, everyone has the instinct to survive.

I think it's hilarious if people say that my body looks masculine.

It's your purpose to leave the world better than how you found it.

After I did the swimsuit issuе, I knew that I wanted to do it again.

There are so many ridiculous arguments that MMA is somehow anti-woman.

Easy lives make boring people and things have definitely not been easy.

I have a candle permanently on my Jacuzzi because I love me some candles.

I'm scared of failure all the time. But not scared enough to stop trying.

There was a long time I had no job security, no options and no education.

I'm voting for Bernie Sanders because he doesn't take any corporate money.

One thing that I learned from judo... Maximum efficiency and minimum effort.

I'm living such a lucky and blessed life and I'm trying my best to deserve it.

Believe me, there's nothing I would like to do more than disappear for a while.

I had to learn to take my time in MMA, and I was just able to keep a clear head.

If you work hard the fight's easy. If you don't work hard then the fight's hard.

I go to bed every night thinking about all the possible ways that I can succeed.

A lot of my best clothes I buy at photo shoots because I don't have time to shop.

If there's a camera on me or off me, it's roughly the same, just a lot less energy.

I'm selling a product, and I have to be out there; I don't have the option not to be.

I'm not a full model like those other girls. Mostly I was surprised that I could hang.

It took a lot of time to develop a healthier relationship with food and with my weight.

At 150 pounds, I feel like I'm at my healthiest and my strongest and my most beautiful.

I might make an investment and lose some money, but that's something I can recover from.

As an athlete you're taught to be selfish. When I'm training, it's usually all about me.

I fight with pizazz. It's a different sound from everyone else. It's the sound of pizazz.

If you're fighting with emotion instead of structure... it's always going to be a mistake.

I'm going to retire undefeated. I'll take everybody out one-by-one then go on my merry way

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