Planes do not inspire me.

Oh my God, my English is the worst!

For me, music is about experimentation.

Music is beyond races, beyond territories.

To learn flamenco is to swallow your pride.

There are times when your ego has to contract.

My music would make no sense without flamenco.

The way I make music reflects the way I think.

It's our roots that really give us our identity.

Camaron has been one of my greatest inspirations.

There is no one who makes decisions for me - never.

Flamenco is dark - it's about tragedy and intensity.

Everyone around me has maximum respect for my vision.

I always liked motorcycles and cars when I was a kid.

When I get my nails done, I usually go with my friends.

Winning a Grammy is the best thing that can ever happen.

Everything is in flamenco. Spirituality, loyalty, humility, valor.

I feel like the music I'm doing is very experimental and very radical.

I think it's nice when people let themselves cry. I like to let it flow.

When I was around ten, I decided I would devote myself and my life to music.

During isolation, one can bring a different approach to the creative process.

I think I have something special. I am confident that I am going to be an artist.

As a musician, language is almost like another instrument. Every word has a sound.

In the end I always think that making music is about sharing. That is the main goal.

I want every record I make to be different to the one before - even if I fail one day.

Music is a language in itself and the songs have their own soul, every song has its soul.

Hands have a major presence in flamenco, and when your hands are decorated, it adds power.

I see really long nails as a form of extreme, radical femininity. They make me feel strong.

I can't walk around like I used to, and there's always paparazzi waiting outside the studio.

If something is too perfect, it doesn't speak your language. If it's imperfect, I understand it.

I'm always loyal to how I understand music, how I want to present myself, how I understand my job.

The only thing I admit I can't do with my long nails done is trying to get my card out of the ATM.

When I sang in bars and weddings, where you have to fight to be heard, you gain incredible humility.

Flowers are divine, they have divine qualities that I adore. And they also connect me with femininity.

I'm going to have to keep fighting until I find the same number of women in the studio as there are men.

When I was a teen, I would draw a really, really long line around my eyes with eyeliner, like Lola Flores.

I compose, produce, arrange - I don't just perform. I'm playing keyboards, playing bass, doing everything.

I like to do things in my own way and have my own personal language, but I can't control how it's received.

I wanted to establish my musical legacy and honor the classic sound of flamenco in the most traditional sense.

I would say, for me, flamenco is so pure, so raw. I love pop culture but sometimes I miss the root, the rawness.

There are so many songwriters that people don't know about. There's so many producers that people don't know about.

I was never in a hurry to make my first album. I knew I wouldn't do it until I knew exactly what I wanted it to be.

I have always been very excited about red, it's one of my favorite colours. It represents strength and flamenco culture.

Flamenco is the most honest and visceral music. You have to be sincere when you sing it. If you're not, it doesn't work.

People who are perfectionists always want to control everything, but when you sing, you have to let go. And that's hard.

I can't control anything that happens after the creative process because after that it's not yours anymore, it's everyone else's.

It's a lot more interesting to dig into the popular music from where I'm from than adhere to some kind of standardized global pop.

I feel like flamenco is part of this Latin music culture. It's from Spain, but flamenco has always been connected to Latinoamerica.

My music is a reflection of my way of thinking, and I take risks because I know I must. If I win, I win, and if I don't, I still win.

I know that when you take a risk, the consequence will never be a neutral response; it will either be very positive or very negative.

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