I wanna fight the best.

I've got Pat 'HD' Barry in my corner.

I didn't need the belt to validate me.

I have overcome some demons in my path.

I come from a place of lots of turmoil.

Martial arts is about honor and respect.

A lot of times, my best friend was my dog.

We're not just fighters, we're entertainers.

I've done taekwondo striking my entire life.

I'm glad I went through the 'TUF' experience.

It's really nice to know hard work does pay off.

Any mistakes that I make is an investment in my future.

No one is perfect but without honesty you've got nothing.

It takes a lot of courage in that cage no matter who you are.

I love my 303 ladies. We go hard here, you know - we're fierce!

I'm sick of all the hate and anger and stuff like that going on.

I feel like I can go all the way for the belt and hold it awhile.

We need the villain sometimes. It makes for an interesting story.

I think there's a lot of mental instability in this whole country.

I grew up with lots of anger, frustration, and violence in my heart.

I thrive on chaos and difficult situations. I guess that's who I am.

All I can control is myself and just keep having a positive attitude.

I'm just here to show up and fight and then get my money and go home.

I feel like we have a duty as fighters to try and be a better example.

I'm like a tree. My leaves might change color, but my roots are the same.

I learned that love is a much more sustainable energy to draw on than hate.

There's pros and cons to everything, and I choose to look at the positives.

I welcome challenges. I like challenges. It gives me a reason to keep going.

I want to encourage people to be nicer to each other, to be nicer to themselves.

Your mind is just like your body. It's a muscle you can train and get better at.

I'm the all-around threat. I've got the look; I think I've got the whole package.

I feel like anything can be worked out; you just gotta talk through it as adults.

Nobody's the same. So, I think that people benefit in different things than others.

People are gonna go up and down and people are gonna come in and out of this sport.

I'm successful every day because I look in the mirror, and I'm happy with who I am.

I live in a very nice neighborhood. There's nothing that really goes on around here.

No matter what comes your way, just don't let it phase you, you can overcome anything.

I love spoiling a party. I love it when someone is on a roll and just messin' that up.

All I can do is make sure I show up to fight, and then they have no choice but to pay me.

I had to really create a positive atmosphere for myself, and that has to come from within.

I want to be the most influential champion, in a positive light. I want to change the world.

Everybody's one fight away from getting a title shot if they step in on short notice for somebody.

I think it's important to inspire other people to try and do things that people discourage you to do.

Wrestling and kickboxing, like martial arts, combine a handful of skills. They're really an art form.

I guess I'm crazy. If everything was easy-peasy and green lights all the time, it'd be kind of boring.

I think that's what makes me so great of a fighter. I'm crazy as hell. And fighting helps me with that.

I love to learn, and that's the really cool thing about martial arts - you're always learning new things.

Always try to reinvent myself; never try to stay the same person, because that's how people figure you out.

When they asked us what we wanted to be when we grow up, in kindergarten, I always said I wanted to be a farmer.

There are so many variables that go into a fight, you shouldn't waste your time worrying about the other fighters.

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