I could live on fruits.

I like my girls delicate.

I never picked an opponent.

I follow a very strict diet.

I don't drink, I don't smoke.

You're a warrior or you're not.

I live a very healthy lifestyle.

GSP knows how to use a lot of strategy.

Gracie jiu-jitsu proved to be the best.

My father created this whole MMA thing.

I'm used to teaching classes in the dark.

Everyone wants to fight me. It's a long list.

The losses are good... if you learn something.

I'm not part of the history, I am the history.

I have fought all my life, that is easy for me.

I never drank, never party, Carnival, none of that.

My strategy is not to give them a chance to hit me.

Gracie is not a family, it's a factory of fighters.

Talented people without discipline don't go anywhere.

I like guys who can use strategy, not just tough guys.

Tim Kennedy is one of the toughest guys in my opinion.

If I had doubts, I would've never walked into the ring.

My father didn't make us fighters, he made us teachers.

You tell me what's impossible and I'll prove you wrong.

I'm a MMA fighter, man. I'm a MMA fighter, all the way.

Do this rubber guard stuff and I'll punch you in the nose.

I'm not a fighter to score points of fight with time limit.

I love to travel and I love to teach, so I combined the two.

You have to know your opponent and take him out of his game.

Fighting is about a strategy. MMA is not all about brutality.

People always want to see who's the best fighter in the world.

You put the Devil on the other side, and I will come to fight.

I believe in pure jiu-jitsu. That's what I've done in the past.

I never put a 'last one' tag on my fights because you never know.

It's always good to have more promotions, give more fighters work.

You win the fight in the training camp, not on the day of the fight.

I'm happy and satisfied with my accomplishments. I sleep well at night.

If Teila Tuli won the first UFC, everybody would have been learning sumo.

The main thing is strategy. It's not just come in and duke it out and fight.

A black belt only covers two inches of your ass. You have to cover the rest.

I just don’t want to get hit, that’s all. I want to win without getting hit.

The idea of jiu-jitsu is to give the little guy a chance to beat the big guy.

The jiu-jitsu my father created was for the smaller guy to beat the bigger guy.

I'm a prize fighter. Put me in any card and I'll sell it out. I can do it, man.

I'm a fighter. We come from the beginning, no gloves, no rules, no time limits.

In a street fight situation, there's no weight division, there's no time limits.

Werdum is good, is a smart fighter. He knows how to set up a beautiful strategy.

I take all the opportunities that come my way and I am thankful that I have them.

I made peace with retirement, but when you're a fighter, you're always a fighter.

Mike Tyson’s a great boxer. The greatest boxer - but boxer. Not the best fighter.

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