My wife is terrified. She thinks I'm going to race forever.

I had the offer to race Stock Cars. I refused the first time.

The whole thing about F1 that the bad boy is the winner is wrong.

I am so competitive I cannot imagine myself without a racing car.

I've always had the speed, but the experience comes along naturally.

The highs in my career have been overcoming the problems and smiling at them and getting on.

I am very excited to confirm I will be at BAR. I wish to thank Ferrari for six fantastic years.

At Ferrari they didn't give me the space, and at Honda I had the space but I didn't have the machinery.

When I saw the others like Michael, Ross Brawn and Todt renewing their contracts, I always said that I was happy to do so.

I don't care about the future. I feel the future always reserves enough good things for you if you stay open and you smile.

I am a man of Brazil, of F1. My middle name needs to change to Rubens F1 Barrichello. I have no intention of saying goodbye.

When you're limited on parts and you have reliability issues, you don't get the testing done. You need to really develop the car.

I eventually wanted to do Stock Cars, because it was my dream as a child, after I have done Europe, I have always liked to see the Stock Cars.

I had other proposals and I was talking to people but then I decided that staying at Ferrari would give me my best chance of winning the championship.

Your objectives change throughout your career and with more experience you kind of use the energy for the good stuff and you don't burn energy for the wrong stuff.

The car is undoubtedly quicker and more balanced. The traction and braking can still be improved a bit but there's been a good evolution already from three weeks ago.

I am in constant contact with the factory on a daily basis by phone. I speak to many people: to Ross Brawn and to Jean Todt and my race engineer. I have many sources I can speak with to find out what has been happening.

I think 19 years, what I've done, you see nowadays people get there with money and so on, but they last one or two years. To be able to have lasted that long, it's still impressive for me. I had a blast being a Formula 1 driver.

First of all you need to have speed. If you only have experience and don't have the speed, then you are never going to get the speed. This is the main point. So you are better off getting someone quick and you develop him with experience.

Nineteen ninety-five, when I was still with Jordan, was the lowest moment. It was my third season and the travel was getting to me and I was missing my family. I felt under a lot of pressure and even thought of going to America - to race there.

If you sign someone with the speed but whose time is over, they will set up the car differently and badly. You are 80 percent of the time going through corners, and you set up the car differently compared to someone who comes and wants to go flat out.

I ended up signing for IndyCar and it was a good decision. I should have waited another 10 days to actually talk to all of the teams, because I just went in, boom, I got the first offer and I said OK I'm racing. It's almost like it was the girlfriend just gives you a no and then you just get the next one that gives you a yes.

When I first came round in the medical center after my accident, the first face I saw was Ayrton's, with tears in his eyes. I had never seen that with Ayrton before. I just had the impression that he felt as if my accident was like one of his own. He helped me a lot with my career and I can't find the words to describe his loss.

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