It's a team game.

Usually, I heal very fast.

I'm motivated every night.

I'm prepared to guard anyone.

Defense doesn't matter enough.

I don't watch college basketball.

It's good to be held accountable.

It's great to communicate as a team.

Defense doesn't sell as much as offense.

I think playoff experience matters for sure.

It hurts to see other people calling Jazz fans racist.

Bill Russell is one of the greatest players of all time.

I just try to set good screens and get my teammates open.

I want to be an All-Star. That's my goal. And win a title.

When you know where you want to go, you're mentally tough.

My mom probably has a record player. I might need to get one.

You don't have to think, you just have to play hard on defense.

I haven't scratched the surface of what I can become offensively.

Sometimes when you lose a game, you win a game, you get stuck in the bubble.

I don't care about that All-Star bonus, to be honest. It's just about my legacy.

I'm just worried about winning and making my teammates better and getting better.

It has always been a dream to win either the Olympic gold medal or the World Cup.

In Europe and FIBA, the game is a little slower and the court is a little smaller.

My passion for gaming is well-known among both the Utah Jazz and my team in France.

Defense is so important for helping your team win games and for the game in general.

At the end of my life, I just want to make sure I made a big difference in this world.

I just wanted to keep getting better and better and better, and that's just my mindset.

I like 'Stifle Tower,' I like 'Gobzilla.' There's a lot of nicknames that are pretty cool.

I have so many great memories of Christmas because we're always spending it with the family.

People watch the points, they watch the highlights. But the defense I think helps the offense.

Defense is the thing we can control and bring every night. But I want to be great on both ends.

I'm just working every day and keep watching film and keep building chemistry with my teammates.

When we get bad shots, it's hard to rebound and it's also harder to come back in transition defense.

First, I'm just trying to set screens for my teammates and then just be aggressive, make the right play.

I was watching 'Space Jam' when I was a kid but that was pretty much the only thing I knew about the NBA.

To be honest, I love being in Utah so I think most people have the wrong idea about the city, about the place.

I want to be an offensive player, too. Play low post, midrange, take jump shots, and just be the best I can be.

I just try to do what I do by getting my teammates open and getting better at finishing and making plays when I can.

I always wanted to be one of the best, make a mark on the history of the game. For me, for my country, for my family.

When I was young, I didn't watch basketball, but I watched 'Space Jam' with Michael Jordan so he was my favorite player.

I like to play basketball. Sometimes if someone takes that away from you, you've got to get in your feelings for a reason.

When you have a coach that is a competitor, that wants to win more than anything else, it really carries over to the team.

I might win a championship. I might win two or three. I might not. The journey to get there is, for me, the most important.

I don't like to fall short. It's tough. Just make the right play when I'm open, and I'll thrust to the rim and be aggressive.

Once I got 13 or 14 years old, I started watching a lot of videos on YouTube and and I started following the NBA ball.

I do a lot of things to help my team winning - set screens, roll into the rim, finishing. I think I can be even more than that.

Some nights, you're tired. But I just like to go out there and help my team win and not let my team down. It's the least I can do.

I'm able to impact people's lives by the way I play, but there's so much more things I can do so there is no limit to what I can do.

It's something I take a lot of pride in doing, in being the best defensive player in the world, in helping my teammates every night.

The more you see, the more you know, the more you feel like you can help others and the more you feel like you can help the team win.

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