i am the wind. one day, i will fly free

Sit!' -Kagome (to InuYasha and he falls.)

Inuyasha: Just shut up and let me protect you!

My meeting you was no coincidence. It's more than that!

Inuyasha stomps on Miroku's foot and runs away laughing

Just shut up!!!!! this is all your fault!!!!! I hate you!!!!!" -Kagome

Ye need her as she needs ye....and Inuyasha...DO NOT FORGET WHERE YE BURIED ME!

Fool! You may hate me...But I...I haven't stopped thinking of you for a single day.

Maybe it's just the morning light, but he looks pretty cool standing there with his sword.

Kohaku aren't you afraid to die? No. Truly, there is neither fear nor hesitation in your eyes.

Every tree and plant in the medouw seemed to be dancing, those with average eyes would see as fixed and still.

I detested you, at the moment of my death... My soul cannot move beyond that... As long as you live, I cannot rest! -Kikyo to Kagome

-He's his rival in love!*inuyasha hits shippo*why'd you do that!? shippo,if you bug inuyasha you'll only feel his fist.-Miroku+shippo

Miroku: Kagome, are you worrying about me? Kagome: I guess so. Miroku: In that case, I have a favor to ask of you: please bear my child.

Koga:"You got a problem with that muttface?" Inuyasha: Did you just call me a mutt?" Koga:"No, you're right. That would be an insult to canines.

Helloooo? I just made some changes in my life, and if I don't get back to you as soon as possible, then guess what? You were one of those changes.

I never thought... that someone liked me... not like a demon... not like a half-demon... not even like human... just like... just like me!" -Inuyasha

Is it my imagination, or is there some kind of jealousy thing going on here?"-Inuyasha (gives Inuyasha a really bad look)"It's your imagination."-Sango (Inuyasha tries to hide behind Kagome) "Whatever you say."-Kagome

Inuyasha: "Stop blubbering already, I'm fine." Kagome:"I'm not blubbering." Inuyasha:"Okay, crying." Kagome:"I am not." Inuyasha:"Are too." Kagome:I am NOT!" Inuyasha:"You are so!" Kagome:"I am not, so just shuddup and sit!

You're wrong! That's not why Kagome was born! Kagome taught me how to smile, how to believe in people! Kagome was the reason I could make friends and rely on those friends! To shed tears for others, to understand true strength and kindness…They’re all things I learned from Kagome! Kagome was born to meet me! And I was born for her!

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