I would never condone violence against women in any form, and for all of those I offended, I am sincerely sorry.

If you wake up deciding what you want to give versus what you're going to get, you become a more successful person.

In the end, the overriding factor in whether or not you realize your dreams is going to be you. Not the world. YOU.

There is no happiness until the mind is still. The cause of all sickness and sadness is the fluctuation of the mind.

Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you. Pick people who are interested in what you're interested in.

You know, the diversity that America has is so special. It's starting to really become a cool thing for young people.

Hip-hop is such a wide statement of culture that everyone is not the same, and it's impossible to put it into one box.

People are murdering each other without any recourse... So we need to get in our communities and work from the inside out.

I always say neediness is the cause of suffering. I'm not the only one who says it. It's something I adopted and I believe.

Running all my different companies has turned out to be a lot easier because I mediate twice a day and go to yoga every day.

Quiet time is the key. We have hundreds of thousands of kids around the country meditating through the David Lynch Foundation.

My idea is to integrate black stars into mainstream stars. It hasn't been explored properly. That's what Im doing in Hollywood.

Reacting to the world with a smile instead of a curse, a wave instead of the middle finger, will actually help you live longer.

Never change for the mainstream—stay in your lane, and if you’re talented and resilient enough the mainstream will come to you.

I knew it was unrealistic to think I could build an institution overnight. But if I took baby steps, eventually it would happen.

I think it's very important. I've gone into prisons to meditate with inmates. It's something I plan to do with Tim Robbins soon.

I was literally calling my customers who were complaining on social media and having a dialog with them, and sending them money.

No matter where you want to go, as long as you follow your path with faith, dedication and hard work, you are going to get there.

I want to do and I'm giving all the profits to charity, is to teach people to meditate. All it takes is a little bit of patience.

Urban pop culture is its own phenomena that is for some reason is left out of Hollywood. It's the most mainstream thing there is.

Nothing increases happiness like quiet time. The truth is, the only moments that make you laugh or happy are seconds of stillness.

Black actors on the road, flying around the country working as poets. Those people are inspirations for millions of kids who write.

If you don't break a hole through the brick wall, don't just start digging a new hole. Keep going until you break through that wall.

The stuff I do, I do every day, and I've been doing it for long periods of time. I don't start and quit-ever. I start and stay on it.

There are so many urban pop ideas that are underserved, and I think Hollywood doesn't see us and misses the opportunity to integrate.

I don't believe that people create their own visions. Rather, I believe that visions are actually God's way of communicating with us.

People are afraid of failure - they don't like to work so hard and have people keep saying, 'No.' I think that's what people fear most.

I try to make my life about service, and hope that one day we can all 'see' a little better because God is with everyone and everywhere.

Unconscious behavior is at the core. Think of the 40 billion animals we abuse and eat who are born into suffering. It's a karmic disaster.

The best way to protect both the policemen and the community going forward is by creating a system that's just, where everyone feels safe.

My little girls are the most beautiful women in the world. I am a lucky, lucky man. I will spend every day making sure that they know this.

A clear and focused mind will last a lifetime. Getting your mind in shape is nothing less than the key to sustainable success in the world.

Sometimes, a new toy, a new technology, will focus you. The world is always trying to draw you out, so you always have to remember to go in.

I'm not a politician. I only want to help relieve the suffering in communities, and I want to help people see their community in each other.

I signed Jay-Z because he was on fire. I wasn't a genius. The record was great. I put it on The Nutty Professor soundtrack and we signed him.

American democracy is spoiled by people buying everything in sight and then selling and buying everything in sight, including our politicians.

Gangsta rappers, they call them. Not nearly as gangsta as the things that inspire them.. you know, a gangsta government that we operate under.

I think if you're open-minded, the road will take you where it takes you. If you're closed, you might not get to go where the road is heading.

No matter where you're from or what you've done, you're never stuck in a particular circumstance, relationship, or cycle unless you say you are.

You'll see a lot of funny stuff, you'll see a lot of daddy knows best stuff, you'll see a lot of me and my wife trying to hold the family together.

What I would do to change this planet is have everyone meditate and look inside. Then we'd have a happier, more service-oriented, less-needy world.

Most people believe that results matter. The idea that results matter is one that you have to keep letting go of. And most of the time, I believe it.

There's one overriding issue, namely, that we live in a police state so long as the police get to police themselves. And that is why cops go unindicted.

I run a bunch of charities and I say this line to people: 'I am somebody who has always been helped.' A little thing like that can make people believe it.

I think I will always have a connection to young people, to try to bring their voices to the polls, bring their voices wherever they can make a difference.

Imagine if you have a million views on a show and they say it's a hit on some cable networks. I could put out a piece of content that has 20 million views.

Young people, when they're left alone, always want to have compassion, and they always want to give. They always want to help people who are less fortunate.

I like to move towards a place where my greatest experience is promoting happiness for others. I know that that creates a cycle of the same great experience.

I couldn't guarantee that someone could get off their medication. But I suspect that meditation instead of Ritalin would change the life of any kid with ADD.

A more happy mind leads to quietness and clarity. And that clarity helps you have a greater capacity to do more and to become more successful and more giving.

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