My law school class in the late 1950s numbered over 500. That class included less than 10 women.

We will never see a day when women of means are not able to get a safe abortion in this country.

I became a lawyer for selfish reasons. I thought I could do a lawyer’s job better than any other.

It won't happen. It would be an impossible dream. But I'd love to see 'Citizens United' overruled.

Contraceptive protection is something every woman must have access to, to control her own destiny.

Every gal and every boy that's born alive is either a little liberal or else a little conservative.

There's nothing in the Constitution that says the President stops being President in his last year.

You would have a huge statelessness problem if you don't consider a child born abroad a U.S. citizen.

Most states in the union where the death penalty is theoretically on the books don't have executions.

All I can say is I am sensitive to discrimination on any basis because I have experienced that upset.

I would not look to the United States Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012.

If we gave up our freedom as the price of security, we would no longer be the great nation that we are.

The emphasis must be not on the right to abortion but on the right to privacy and reproductive control.

Not a law firm in the entire city of New York bid for my employment as a lawyer when I earned my degree.

It is not like I have gone crazy, I just don't want to take any chances. You never know what could happen.

We've come a long way from the days where there was state-enforced segregation. But we still have a way to go.

A constitution, as important as it is, will mean nothing unless the people are yearning for liberty and freedom.

You're saying, no, state said two kinds of marriage; the full marriage, and then this sort of skim-milk marriage.

I think we understand that for the Court to work well, we have to not only respect but genuinely like each other.

Women will only have true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation.

There are some women I definitely would not want to succeed me... but a man like David Souter, that would be great.

We should learn ... to do our best for the sake of our communities and for the sake of those for whom we pave the way.

The Democrats do fine in presidential elections; their problem is they can't get out the vote in the midterm elections.

After the pancreatic cancer, at first I went to N.I.H. every three months, then every four months, then every six months.

At my advanced age - I'm now an octogenarian - I'm constantly amazed by the number of people who want to take my picture.

My mother graduated from high school at 15 and went to work to support the family because the eldest son went to college.

We have the oldest written constitution still in force in the world, and it starts out with three words, 'We, the people.'

I can't imagine what this place would be - I can't imagine what the country would be - with Donald Trump as our president.

Anybody who has been discriminated against, who comes from a group that's been discriminated against, knows what it's like.

My rule was I will not answer a question that attempts to project how I will rule in a case that might come before the court.

I think the notion that we have all the democracy that money can buy strays so far from what our democracy is supposed to be.

I think some of my colleagues' spicier lines are distracting. They draw attention away from what the justice is trying to say.

I think Mozart's operas 'The Marriage of Figaro' and 'Don Giovanni' are the two most perfect ever written. The music is magical.

It's not simply to say, 'My colleagues are wrong, and I would do it this way,' but the greatest dissents do become court opinions.

I am fearful, or suspicious, of generalizations... They cannot guide me reliably in making decisions about particular individuals.

Members of the legislature, people who have run for office, know the connection between money and influence on what laws get passed

My mother was a powerful influence. She made me toe the line. If I didn't have a perfect report card, she showed her disappointment.

My biographers... would like to have my time at the court almost complete before they finish the book. We decided... to flip the order.

Feminism... I think the simplest explanation, and one that captures the idea, is a song that Marlo Thomas sang, 'Free to be You and Me.'

In the '50s, too many women, even though they were very smart, they tried to make the man feel that he was brainier. It was a sad thing.

There are some singers that know exactly when to go, and others hang on much too long and that is the same, that is the same with judges.

No one who is in business for profit can foist his or her beliefs on a workforce that includes many people who do not share those beliefs.

I didn't change the Constitution; the equality principle was there from the start. I just was an advocate for seeing its full realization.

A prime part of the history of our Constitution is the story of the extension of constitutional rights to people once ignored or excluded.

Each part of my life provided respite from the other and gave me a sense of proportion that classmates trained only on law studies lacked.

Every constitution written since the end of World War II includes a provision that men and women are citizens of equal stature. Ours does not.

I think members of the legislature, people who have to run for office, know the connection between money and influence on what laws get passed.

Reading is the key that opens doors to many good things in life. Reading shaped my dreams, and more reading helped me make my dreams come true.

I do a variety of weight-lifting, elliptical glider, stretching exercises, push-ups. And I do the Canadian Air Force exercises almost every day.

My dissenting opinions, like my briefs, are intended to persuade. And sometimes one must be forceful about saying how wrong the Court's decision is.

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