My favorite animal is the turtle. The reason is that in order for the ...

My favorite animal is the turtle. The reason is that in order for the turtle to move, it has to stick its neck out.

It is good to be Dr. Ruth.

I'm old-fashioned and a square.

I love small things. I love them.

I want to be like Madame de Stael.

I certainly believe in equal rights.

I don't believe in honesty at all costs.

I'm never embarrassed to say, 'I don't know.'

The early socialization of a child is crucial.

Testosterone levels are highest in the morning.

A lesson taught with humor is a lesson retained.

German Jews don't show their emotions in public.

Now were it up to me, I would abolish all warfare.

Don't stint on foreplay - or afterplay. Be inventive!

Part of my success is because I'm very old-fashioned.

My parents sent me to Switzerland on a Kindertransport.

I'm not a sex symbol, at least in the conventional sense.

Don't criticize in the sack. Discuss constructively later.

I worked at Columbia University's School of Public Health.

There will always be issues where an abortion is necessary.

I love being Dr. Ruth, so I have never thought of retiring.

Contraception has to be available for anybody who needs it.

I want people to see me or read about me and think about sex.

It matters a great deal that I come from a Jewish background.

My son told me to stop singing 'Happy Birthday' when he was 4.

I have to be true to what I think because that's my whole career.

I got the Margaret Sanger award. I was kissed by President Obama.

There is no scientific proof that any food increases sexual drive.

It's pornography for me only when it involves violence or children.

I was one of the first ones to participate in fundraisers for AIDS.

Planned Parenthood is a very important part of my professional life.

I don't want people to be lonely. I would like them to find partners.

A friendship has to be cultivated. A friendship you have to give time.

I went to an Orthodox Jewish children's home that became an orphanage.

I have some afflictions, like diabetes 2, but I take care. I sleep well.

Young and older people need to learn relationships take time and effort.

I believe my soul isn't entirely German because my home is so disorderly.

Because of my experience with the Holocaust, I don't like to lose friends.

It's good to be a widow in New York, because I can do something every night.

I have the habit of always saying thank you to police and guards who watch us.

I'm a Zionist who believes that every person has to have a country of their own.

When it comes to sex, the most important six inches are the ones between the ears.

I am worried that the next generation will not be able to have a real conversation.

Tel Aviv, with its young Olim community, is the sexiest thing on the entire planet.

I'm a black-diamond skier and can dance the whole night - if I find a good partner!

Don't share your fantasies unless you're sure your partner really wants to hear them.

Sex is not a sin. Many people have complained that this is taking all the fun out of sex.

It is impossible to deny that people in power face more temptations than ordinary citizens.

Many of the girls who were in the orphanage with me became either nurses or social workers.

For some people, 'ten feet tall' is just a metaphor. For me, it's more than twice my height!

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