The night destroys the sun

Bad nights lead to better days

Some things were made to be felt

I was never much of a bass player.

Forever only takes its toll on some

I quit drinking every night, at 1:30 A.M.

They don't make coats for this kind of cold

I use to be panicked, but know I'm curious!

I'm a big music fan outside of the music I make.

Is it possible to love someone too much? You bet.

When You're young, you get sad, and you get high.

I used to be so excited when I saw my name in print.

Words may move, but they're never moving fast enough.

I've never been to Vegas, but I've gambled all my life.

It's hard to be bipolar and bicoastal at the same time.

I was an earnest young man who just wanted to make music.

While the things I do kill me, they just tell me to relax

I'm actually a pretty upbeat person outside of playing music.

I cannot say that I know a lot about scales, but I can write songs.

If you don't have an outlet, you become a criminal - or misanthropic.

Some people want to go forever, I just want to burn off hard and bright.

Can you still have any famous last words if you're somebody nobody knows?

Do you remember stormy winter?Well button up your coat, one's comin' soon

I like to read comics, and I'll listen to records, and I like to play pinball.

I'm hyper-focused on loss. But I know it's just the impermanence of being here.

I'm a pretty bad troubadour. I'm more of a music fan who got away with making records.

I kiss her mouth and I know... for everything there is a word... for everything but this.

It was never my first choice to be a singer/guitar player. I really wanted to play drums.

Fame is an unnatural construct and those who go in search of it are the least likely to find it.

I routinely never discuss my marriage. It's nice to have things in my life that are totally mine.

When I'm in New York, I just want to walk down the street and feel this thing, like I'm in a movie.

Maybe I am a jerk sometimes. Maybe I'm not. I think most people are kind of a jerk once in a while.

I think that music, or at least the kind of music that I make, benefits greatly from improvisation.

Sometimes a break-up song is perceived as that because that's what the person who's hearing it needs.

While you can fill every heart as your own full of laughter loud as gold and passion quick as silver.

I don't know any jazz stuff. I don't know how to jam in that way. So jamming, for me, is writing a tune.

I have found in black metal the lyrics are profoundly beautiful... a pathos and mythos at the same time.

Being a human being is lost. For 120 shows, the one that goes bad is the one that people will talk about.

Man, I loved The Smiths so much. I thought they looked awesome, and Morrissey had hearing aids like my Papaw.

I could fall asleep at 10:30 watching 'Hill Street Blues.' I might wake up at 1 A.M. and have a riff in my head.

'Prisoner' is not a direct 'I've just been divorced' album, although that fire is burning very well on the record.

When you make a heavy record, there should be a point where you say you don't want to share it, but then maybe you come around.

My entire life, I wake up, and at some point in the afternoon, I head toward some kind of musical recording device. My entire life.

It's like — I don't know, sometimes it's like chasing a pretty girl on the beach. And things I never thought I could do... I can do.

This is going to sound crazy, but I can hear music in my head. I can imagine a piano or a guitar playing, and I can sort of think out.

It would be really nice to make a record that would be super-fun to play live - a record that would be funny, with a little bit of heart.

Music is my thing. It's my thing; it's what I love. It's what I do. It's football to me; it's Christmas to me; religion to me; poetry to me.

I am aware of the depths of heartache I'm experiencing but also how foolish it is to think that the things we have are permanent. They're not.

The process of making music is more interesting to me than the end result. If I was a cook, I'd be more interested in cooking food than eating food.

To make a song is a gift, and once it's done it keeps evolving and changing and becomes a tool to interact with other people. It's like a conversation.

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