My career has been an inch at a time.

Too much intensity can be a bad thing.

I just like to look beautiful sometimes.

I grew up in Vancouver, British Columbia.

I don't expect success. I prepare for it.

I've had an alarming amount of concussions.

I don't get a lot of romantic comedy scripts.

Bringing any movie together is a minor miracle.

Any kind of crisis can be good. It wakes you up.

Are you stalking me? Because that would be super.

When I exhale, I just turn right into Louie Anderson.

For the most part Hollywood is a world of imagination.

I have daddy issues. So I keep tissues on me at all times.

I've always just liked working. I like being a working actor.

I'm a bit of an M&M nut. I like the blue ones. I pick them out.

I feared disappointing my father more than anything in the world.

I'm six foot two. If I need security around me, there's a problem.

I have bullshit moments every once in a while - like every actor does.

My family is as far from a stage family as you could ever possibly find.

I'll do whatever it takes for a movie. I don't really care what that is.

The stunts on the ground I can do, but I've never been good with heights.

When your dad's a cop, calling 911 is really just like calling Dad at work.

The fact that you're friends doesn't necessarily equate to great chemistry.

I've had the pretty good fortune of working with some decent guys and gals.

When you have expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

My father was swallowed alive by his own anus. It was a terrible way to go.

I was a really nervous kid. I was extremely sensitive. Incredibly perceptive.

Mostly birthmarks is what I learned about Sandra Bullock that I wasn't aware of.

Laughing can serve you in dark moments and even help you crawl your way back out.

I hope that I'm always satisfied and content like I am right at this very moment.

I'm like the queen of planning and scheduling and I'm trying very hard to stop it.

Even if my father wasn't speaking to me, he would never, ever miss a baseball game.

I firmly believe that you can't manufacture chemistry with anyone, let alone a kid.

I'm not a hockey fan, which is probably why I had to leave Canada in the first place.

Sometimes it's just enough to keep your body moving. I get depressed if I don't move.

Guys are lucky: We can wear a suit over and over, just with different shirts and ties.

I love doing six versions of any joke, so if they'll give me six takes, I'd love to do it.

It's a lot of working out, you know, and you don't get to eat all the things you wanna eat.

There's nothing my brothers and I didn't put a hole in. We turned our home into a Wiffle house.

My very worst day on 'Green Lantern' was nowhere near as difficult as my finest day on 'Buried.'

I've always find that Aussies and Vancouver-ites in general just have a similar kind of attitude.

People have their complexities. They have their heroic moments and their villainous moments, too.

I'm not one to mythologize other actors too much, but obviously Sandy Bullock is a gorgeous woman.

I think everybody involved in a movie thinks about the box office. It's the 'biz' part of showbiz.

Anyone who gets divorced goes through a lot of pain ... I don't think I want to get married again.

Any great director is also someone who is incredibly intelligent about whom they hire around them.

I just love bikes. It's not the safest passion to have, but I guess it's better than Russian roulette.

Every time I hangout with Sandra Bullock I think I want to be her. I want to be married to Jesse James.

You'd be hard pressed to find more drama in 'Days of Our Lives' than you do in an average job each day.

Martin Campbell is a director who has that ability to marshal so many forces together and create a film.

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