Everyone's God is One.

The universe is a great university.

True beauty lies in true education.

My eye is ever on those who love me.

No joy can equal the joy of serving others.

Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray.

Character is the most precious gift of education.

Pure love is the chief manifestation of education.

I shall be active and vigorous even from the tomb.

The cultivation of Love is the greatest need today.

Education must promote peace, security and happiness.

True education consists in the cultivation of the heart.

Education has to endow you with an eagerness to surrender.

My tomb shall bless and speak to the needs of my devotees.

You seek too much information and not enough transformation.

The sign of a person who has had an education is good manners.

All action results from thought, so it is thoughts that matter.

You must pass your days in song. Let your whole life be a song.

The learned man's life itself shines as the message for mankind.

Education does not mean the imparting of verbal knowledge alone.

If you seek my help and guidance, I will immediately give it to you.

It is only in the depths of silence that the voice of God can be heard.

You are not educated if all you have achieved is the study of ten books.

I am the Attributeless, Absolute, Nirguna. I have no name, no residence.

It is essential to practice spiritual disciplines along with academic studies.

Whatever creature comes to you, human or otherwise, treat it with consideration.

Education must award self-confidence, the courage to depend on one's own strength.

Education must open the eyes and enable them to recognise the One behind the many.

The ideal of service and the urge to practice it form the very heart of education.

Education should serve to enlarge the vision and broaden the outlook of the people.

Not living for food, but living for the sake of an ideal, that is the goal of education

I am the protector of all lives. I am present even before the creation. I am prime God.

The life ahead can only be glorious if you learn to live in total harmony with the Lord.

Education must assume full responsibility to enter the moral and spiritual lives of pupils.

I give people what they want in the hope that they will begin to want what I want to give them!

I am the slave of those who hunger and thirst after me and treat everything else as unimportant.

Education must be orientated towards the attainment of character for leading clean simple lives.

Modern education develops the intellect and imparts skills, but does not promote qualities in any way.

Education has to cultivate humility and discipline, but today it is yielding a harvest of pride and envy.

Learning to earn a living is only half the job. The other half is to make life worthwhile and meaningful.

Selfless service alone gives the needed strength and courage to awaken the sleeping humanity in one's heart.

There is no use if knowledge grows while desires multiply. It makes one a hero in words and a zero in action.

The nation can prosper and be happy only when education develops in an atmosphere of Truth, Love and Reverence.

The father, the mother and the teacher are the three primarily responsible for moulding the future of the country.

Unless knowledge is transformed into wisdom, and wisdom is expressed in character; education is a wasteful process.

The wretched and miserable would rise into plenty of joy and happiness as soon as they climb the steps of my mosque.

True knowledge is that which establishes harmony and synthesis between ience on the one hand and spirituality and ethics on the other.

Humility, reverence, compassion, forbearance, sacrifice and self-control are the qualities that reveal the outcome of the true education.

Man seeks to change the foods available in nature to suit his tastes, thereby putting an end to the very essence of life contained in them.

Unity of minds, natural love and co-operation, are the qualities we have to develop today. Education is not for securing university degrees.

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