I am always relaxed.

I don't belong much anywhere.

I don't attend costume parties.

I'm not a big fan of anniversaries.

The words I overuse are all adverbs.

Words are tools of imagery in motion.

I'm not in demand. I'm all washed up.

When you die it's the end of your life.

All good writing comes out of aloneness.

Hollywood is geared toward teenage idiocy.

Keep away from fantasy. Shake off the image.

Dialogue is like jazz. Dialogue is creative.

What I like most about Bolano is his courage.

It's my private life, and it's not up for grabs.

I love Levon Helm - he's one of my favorite guys.

Ideas emerge from plays, not the other way around.

I've always found it embarrassing to receive awards.

Love is the only disease that makes you feel better.

I was shot in the wrist when I was a kid. Deliberately.

To me, a strong sense of self isn't believing in a lot.

I think without writing I would feel completely useless.

Directing feels great; I'm really happy to be doing this.

Guys like Clyde McPhatter used to sing their tail ends off!

When I first started in film, I was terrified of the camera.

She refers to her past as the time before she was "blown away.

I'm not denying that it's exciting to have a play on Broadway.

[Rewriting is] a whole other art form; it's about craftsmanship.

I find the whole situation of confronting an audience terrifying.

You can't make a living as a playwright. You can barely scrape by.

I don't want to be a playwright, I want to be a rock and roll star.

When I first started, I didn't really know how to structure a play.

I see a lot of scripts, and very few of them leap off the page at you.

Why would you want to be be counseled in your grief? It's too private.

When you listen intensely to anything, you see how it can be improved.

When you hit a wall – of your own imagined limitations – just kick it in.

There's gonna be a general lack of toast in the neighborhood this morning.

You can write 16 plays and not make as much money as you did doing one movie.

To sit on a ranch horse that's been broken in, it's like getting in a Porsche.

I wrote 'Buried Child' in a trailer at an old ranch house we had in California.

I believe in my mask-- The man I made up is me I believe in my dance-- And my destiny

I'll develop my own image. I'm an original man. A one and only. I just need some help.

I didn't go out of my way to get into this movie stuff. I think of myself as a writer.

I'm extremely grateful that I found writing, but it doesn't make it any more peaceful.

I used to work a lot on ranches where I grew up, and I had to rise at 5:30 in the morning.

Caryl Churchill is a writer of some note, but in the sack, she makes me explain everything.

Hats look exactly the same. There's no difference between The Writing Hat and The Acting Hat.

Beginnings are definitely the most exciting, middles are perplexing and endings are a disaster.

I guess what I like is mostly country & western or else stuff that has a real blues feel to it.

My old man tried to force on me a notion of what it was to be a 'man.' And it destroyed my dad.

All of the great writers whom I admire have died. I guess the most recent one would be Marquez.

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