Snobbery just inhibits you.

I'd love to make a thriller.

Tea is a huge part of my life.

My mum told me once I was a Hindu.

I'm fascinated by male vulnerability.

I'm very blessed with the perfect husband.

You have to be brave when you've got a kid.

I can be very self-destructive, but quietly.

Today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday.

Never trust a hippie. That's definitely my motto.

I'm annoying to be around because I keep twitching.

I am just reflecting the times. I can't ignore them.

To be feminist doesn't mean you can't be submissive.

I feel like I've lost 10 years of my life to cancer.

The pictures I make come from every blink of my lashes.

I was determined to have a spotless house when I grew up.

There's definitely something transformative about clothes.

I want to protect my vision, and that's the hardest thing.

I think people are frightened of women making big decisions.

A woman going out with a younger man feels like the last taboo.

When I decide I want something, I go in like an Exocet missile.

Anonymity would be a fantastic umbrella. I don't like intrusion.

Having children is exciting. Life puts the past into perspective.

I think I was lucky I got into art college. That's what saved me.

I think you only see experiences as defining moments with distance.

I've made lots of big decisions in my life that have shocked people.

Sorry, there's nothing like a screaming baby to make a mother twitch.

My mother reads tarot cards, actually, but I won't let her read mine.

I love showing my scar on my tummy - it is shaped like a question mark.

It was so amazing to fall crazily in love and get married and have kids.

I am completely, utterly obsessed with clothes. To an embarrassing extent.

If you love someone, you love someone. It doesn't matter; age, colour, c'mon!

It would be nice to be a bit autonomous again, to enjoy something a bit quiet.

I've always lived my life fearlessly, and what I want to do with my life, I do.

I try to leave things as open ended as possible, not too overladen with meaning.

In the old days, 'controversial' in a relationship meant same-sex or mixed races.

I've turned into one of those people who go jogging in parks that I used to hate.

When Scorsese or Coppola cast celebrities in their work, it goes without question.

I get over-excited by every opportunity that comes my way. I end up doing too much.

I took on cancer like I take on everything - like a mission and a job to accomplish.

I love karaoke. I love maudlin country ballads. In another life, I'd be Loretta Lynn.

When you have an author and an auteur, it's a difficult and challenging relationship.

Just because you've faced your own mortality, it doesn't make it any less frightening.

I felt giving birth was the most creative act of all my creative acts - literally creation!

Sometimes photographing people is like pulling teeth, trying to get some sort of personality.

In 'Fifty Shades,' seemingly, Christian has all the power and control - but actually, Anastasia does.

One of the few times I saw my mother cry was when Lennon died, and the other time was when Elvis died.

I like Alexander McQueen's work a lot: he's always pushing boundaries, and he's rough around the edges.

I believe that life is short, and there is too much time wasted bearing grudges, and I like to move on.

You think, 'You hired me because I'm a creative artist with a vision. Don't try and knock it out of me.'

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