I break my two feet seven times.

Acting has always been instinctive to me.

Whatever I do - action, acting - I do my best.

I just have to make sure I maintain my professionalism.

If my mind and body are still active, why should I retire?

I'm a big star in Asia, but I never think about being famous.

I know I am bad-tempered and unruly, so I like calling the shots.

I was never good at school and was always fighting in the streets.

I wanted to conquer Hollywood. But I took one shot and that's it for me.

It's very hard, you know, for an Asian actor to be in a prime-time television series.

People work hard all week at their jobs. I want people watching TV to have a good time.

If all young actors want is to star in romances, what do they need to learn kung fu for?

I never aspired to be a screen hero; all I ever wanted was for people to respect what I do.

In China, people only talk to make a point. You ask someone to go to lunch. They say yes or they say no.

Who enjoys practising handstands at seven in the morning? But that's how children were trained in the old days.

I don't want to boast about any contribution, but I was part of the group of people who toiled for the film industry.

I never think about my face. I actually just care about what I'm doing - my voice and my character. I don't care about, 'Am I fat? Am I ugly?'

It doesn't matter how much you already know. It's about showing humility and a willingness to learn; not just in movies, but in life in general.

I'm proud of all my films. I've enjoyed great success in many different genres. I have been very blessed to have so many ideas and to continuously produce successful films.

Kung fu films have to move with the rest of the world. You couldn't keep on doing sword fights in historic films. People wanted superheroes. They wanted something fast and new.

If you have the resources, don't waste your time. Why not continue doing the things you enjoy, such as making movies and taking part in things that the younger generation would like.

When I was making films, we had a lot of time for the fighting scenes. But in TV, we don't have much time to think about how to do the fighting, because there are only seven days for an episode. You have to hurry. This is a challenge.

I used to try and find inspirations everywhere - I would go to the airport or train station and just study people, the way they moved and interacted and their expressions. But I can't do that now, I'd be bombarded by people with their phones - selfie requests.

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