Violence has never resolved any issue.

If I do a film, it should be worth it.

Homemade desi ghee is something I swear by.

I am humbled that my story inspires the jawans.

No parents deserve to see their only child die.

Karan Patel is my brother and my best friend for life.

Wrestling is a big game and has a good scope in India.

Life is too precious to be squandered for fame or love.

I want to attract as many people to wrestling as I can.

Every fight should be settled through love and dialogue.

I want PETA to do something to stop the killing of animals.

The only specialized diet that I follow is home-cooked food.

It is due to wrestling that people now know and recognise me.

If you have your family's support, you can overcome anything.

Maintaining good health should be the primary focus of everyone.

I have had a tough life, but I am proud that I fought my battle.

My parents, especially my mother, has been my pillar of strength.

I don't have time to spare for a daily soap; it needs commitment.

I would say Karan Patel's vanity van is my favourite hangout spot.

I want to encourage more people in small villages to take up sports.

I like physically-demanding reality shows, not dance and music shows.

Teaching is a respectful job. Teachers lay the foundation for society.

I am a vegetarian, and I am a staunch supporter of all things natural.

Wherever I go, I now easily get the attention of the sports fraternity.

It's been my long-cherished dream to bring a wrestling league to India.

There should be more funding and support for young and upcoming wrestlers.

India stands for unity and love, which we all should have for one another.

It's good to be progressive, but don't shun the good things about tradition.

Killing a being just to satiate your taste buds is the most criminal act ever.

I've fought physical disability and was cured because of naturopathy and yoga.

I consider Ahmedabad lucky for me in many ways, as the city gives me inner peace.

Basically, I'm just an average person who takes a little extra care of his health.

Not many know that digging the akhada pit with spade is the best warm-up exercise.

Ever since 'Bigg Boss' happened, a lot of entertainment and movie offers poured in.

I had broken my nose while practicing. Also I got a fracture on my shoulders, knees.

Every man must know how to cook; this is the first thing that we are taught back home.

I want to create as many opportunities as possible for people inclined towards sports.

There is no point in spending time with someone who makes you forget your sense of self.

I've never eaten eggs or taken muscle building supplements. I eat less and work out more.

By God's grace, I'm not hungry for publicity, God has given me enough to fend for myself.

If cricket can be so glamorous and lucrative, I don't see why wrestling should lag behind.

I think people should eat vegetarian food for 20 days and then see the glow on their faces.

I am a pure vegetarian, and I'm much healthier compared to those who live on a non-veg diet.

I got up from the wheelchair thanks to natural products like tulsi, aloe vera, kali mirch, and awla.

In every sport, there will be struggle and obstacles, but a victory which comes easily is no victory.

Whatever I am today is all because of the love and support I have received from the people of Haryana.

When I lived in Delhi, I used to visit the Lodhi Gardens and feed the pigeons, crows, and ducks there.

I come from an almost unknown village near Rohtak called Madina, and that is where I started my wrestling career.

We should stand up for those who can't protect themselves. Support kids and families who can't support themselves.

Just for the pleasure of being seen on screen with Aamirji, I can't play a loser. It will disappoint my supporters.

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