Write what you care about.

I love to sing. I'm a soprano.

I live and die with the Chicago Cubs

I live and die with the Chicago Cubs.

I'm a grandmother, and a mighty proud one.

When you feel lousy, puppy therapy is indicated.

If you're born lucky, you don't have to be good.

I'm at the atheist end of the agnostic spectrum.

Sometimes I panic and think I can't really write.

The crime novel has always been my favourite genre.

You get weird and unsettling behaviour in the country.

Organizer is kind of a grand term for what I was doing.

Around the time I turned 30, I wanted to publish a novel

Sisters in Crime now has more than 4,000 members worldwide.

Never underestimate a man's ability to underestimate a woman.

Nothing kinder than strangers. Nothing stranger than kindness.

Sometimes life seems so painful it hurts even to move my arms.

It took me nine months to write 60 pages. It was very frustrating

White-collar crime gets more outrageous by the second in America.

It took me nine months to write 60 pages. It was very frustrating.

I'm lucky in having found the perfect partner to spend my life with

I'm lucky in having found the perfect partner to spend my life with.

I'm very honoured that there is a loyal following and I hope it continues

I realised I'd never climb Everest but thought I could still write a book

I had wanted to write Ghost Country for a long time, but it wouldn't work.

I realised I'd never climb Everest but thought I could still write a book.

I'm very honoured that there is a loyal following and I hope it continues.

Live disasters are wonderful attractions when you're safe on the other side of them.

The rich are different than you and me: they have more money and they have more power.

I believe in the dull lie - make your story boring enough and no one will question it.

I went to college at the University of Kansas, where I got a degree in political science.

No agent wants to see a book until he or she has decided whether to pursue the relationship

I always wrote; my first story was published in the magazine The American Girl when I was 11

No agent wants to see a book until he or she has decided whether to pursue the relationship.

I always wrote; my first story was published in the magazine The American Girl when I was 11.

The possibility of bringing white-collar criminals to justice is ever receding over the horizon.

Sometimes I think I'm a one-trick pony because I'm not very inventive about new ways of telling stories.

Capo, my first golden retriever, so loved to swim she once jumped off a cliff to get into Lake Superior.

I thought it was time for a tough, smart, likable female private investigator, and that's how VI came to life.

All food starting with p is comfort food: pasta, potato chips, pretzels, peanut butter, pastrami, Pizza, pastry.

I think Peter Dickinson is hands down the best stylist as a writer and the most interesting storyteller in my genre.

Rule number something or other -- never tell anybody anything unless you're going to get something better in return.

I wish I could remember where I put things. I spend half my life looking for my keys. With the other half I look for my glasses.

Hard to remember who is more dangerous: the people who are attacking our liberties overseas, or those who are suppressing them at home.

My parents were liberal intellectuals but even they expected me to stay at home and look after my younger siblings and do the housework.

People have less privacy and are crammed together in cities, but in the wide open spaces they secretly keep tabs on each other a lot more

People have less privacy and are crammed together in cities, but in the wide open spaces they secretly keep tabs on each other a lot more.

I spent 10 years as a marketing manager. I've found my experience in the financial world invaluable background for writing about white-collar crimes.

I grew up in conservative rural Kansas in the 1950s when it was expected that girls would not have a life outside the home, so educating them was a waste of time

If I were elected President, the first thing I would do would be to set up a Department of Restoring the Bill of Rights. I would have 10,000 people working there.

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