She knew too much. -A

Catch me if you can -A

The obstacle is the path.

We killed an innocent girl

The lie that started it all.

Its not bragging if its true.

Don't believe everything you hear

Every pretty girl is a heartbreaker

Four liars are about to be burned -A

The best secrets are the most twisted

Sometimes, I don't notice I'm singing.

Life is hard already. Why make it harder?

I love books about dysfunctional families.

Never under estimate a pretty little liar.

There's really kind of nobody we can trust.

Toby twisted around. "Boo." Emily screamed.

There are some remedies worse than disease.

I do a lot of brainstorming with my editors.

The sweetest smiles hold the darkest secrets.

That's immortality my darlings" Spencer said.

Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret.

Be Yourself Not What The World Wants You To Be

Go now. Alone. Or I make good on my promise. -A

I think I'll stick with psychological thrillers.

Only two can keep a secret if on of them is dead.

I'm sorry, okay, I'm not perfect, but I'm trying.

Everybody has a secret and everybody has problems.

Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close.

I'm still here, bitches. And I know everything." -A

Stick with me, kids. It's about to get so good... -A

But you can't make someone be something they're not.

Life isn’t worth living if you’re scared all the time.

I really like reading about how families work together.

No one believes a liar. Even when she's telling the truth.

Those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

I loved the movie 'Heathers' and the TV show 'Twin Peaks.'

I like to run in a new place to help me find my way around.

Its more fun to think of the future than dwell on the past.

when I hide something, it stays hid, until I want it found.

You know what they say about hope. It breeds eternal misery!

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the naughtiest of them all?

The only way to keep your secrets safe is to have none at all.

Don't get too comfortable. It's not over until I say it is. -A

Sutton's dead. Tell no one. Keep playing along... or you're next.

Never trust a pretty little liars even though they might be right.

I find coming up with a title the hardest part of writing a novel.

Whatever baggage you have, use it. Conquer it. Don’t let it stop you.

Secrets are very intriguing - I always think thats an interesting theme.

Secrets are very intriguing - I always think that's an interesting theme.

I probably write best in my office, which is an extra bedroom in my house.

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