I like pineapple. It's delightful.

I love looking like classic Hollywood.

It never even crossed my mind I wouldn't go to college.

You can't be emotional if you're trying to be a businesswoman.

I'm pretty sure the feeling of inadequacy is universal for moms.

I honestly think the biggest trials end up teaching you how to let go.

I have a great husband and a great group of friends who I can count on.

In the industry, I got a lot of attention for Mad Men, because everyone in the industry watches it.

In the industry, I got a lot of attention for 'Mad Men,' because everyone in the industry watches it.

It takes a special conviction to decide to go against the crowd and to know what is right and to act upon it.

I know in our mainstream culture, the loudest voices and the most shocking voices are the ones that get the noise.

Counseling was amazing, but I didn't know how loved I was until after my marriage had gone through its darkest time.

The reason I love Jesus because he's a really good guy. He's completely opposed to running around and judging people.

I've met Christians everywhere I go. I've met Christians on every set I've been on, in the crew, the cast, everywhere.

The emergence of a child opens up this well of love that you just never knew you were able to have. And it's empowering.

My family's a huge fan of 'Lord of the Rings.' My dad probably preaches from 'Lord of the Rings' as much as he does the Bible.

I think, in the media, Christians are the butt of every joke, or they are portrayed running around condemning everyone to Hell.

There's not a Christian out there who hasn't struggled with wanting to break a rule or having broken a rule over and over again.

I've definitely had my fair share at shaking my fists at the gods of Hollywood, but I'm learning that I cannot think that way or I will go crazy.

Here's a big risk: Staying with my husband during the blackest time in our marriage. Several years into our marriage, I wanted to walk away, and I didn't.

I've met producers who are Christians and are producing secular shows. So much beauty and truth can be found in every - in every different show that's there.

If I get recognized, it's because someone notices me at the checkout counter at the grocery store. I really live a very normal life and have been able to keep my privacy.

I've done a lot of work in my life and have begun to let go of that need to be perfect, and I loved that my character in 'Moms' Night Out' was going through the same thing.

Even today, you get criticized if you're staying at home, because you're not doing enough with your life, but you get criticized for being a career woman because you're not raising your kids.

I think sometimes we put too much of a gravity on what it is that we do... I just think you go out into the world, and if the door is open, pursue with excellence whatever it is that you feel you are called to pursue.

My deepest challenge has been an internal one. It's allowing success to take over by focusing on how many Twitter followers I have or what people are saying about me online, or just feeling like no matter how much success I get, it's not enough.

I've struggled a lot in my life with feeling like a failure. I lived in a 'prison of perfectionism,' holding myself to a standard I couldn't possibly live up to. Then I became a mom, and all of a sudden, there arose even more opportunities for failure.

I do think Hollywood is recognizing that there's a craving for it, that there's a huge audience in our country. They want movies that they can bring their families to. They want movies that are going to speak to their heart, in a way that's refreshing to their hearts. And Hollywood is learning that there's money to be made there.

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