I've always felt happiest entertaining.

I've always been so attracted to magic.

I actually wanted to be a nurse, of all things.

I have always believed in going after your dreams.

I wanted to be a witch so badly when I was younger.

My life is not, you know, all rainbows and butterflies.

Mental health is something that's really important to me.

I'm not supporting any companies that cause harm to animals.

I wear a lot of makeup on set, so I like my skin care to be natural.

If I'm going to be using social media, it has to be in a genuine way.

Good can exist in bad, and bad can exist in good. It's not black and white.

It was my whole life; I spent all my time dancing, and I loved it very much.

Music has always been something that I knew that I would eventually want to pursue.

I think that if everyone knew how meat and dairy was being produced, they wouldn't eat it.

Charmed' is obviously so iconic, and to be part of an extension of that is like beyond thrilling.

All I can hope for is to use my voice for things that I think matter and to stand up for what I believe in.

I've learned so much about what you can do to help animals, the environmental issues around meat production.

Harry Potter' is my favorite series, and I've always loved that wish fulfillment, 'anything is possible' idea.

Goose down is super-unethical, and it's unnecessary. There are a lot of alternatives that are sustainable and just as warm.

If you love animals and you care for them... don't wear them, because they have feelings and personalities just like humans do.

I grew up watching 'Scooby-Doo' and was an avid fan of Daphne. She was my favorite, and I named my first stuffed animal after her.

No matter what the general public says. When it's something you want, you have to block out that noise and negativity and just go for it.

It's been really special being part of a project that's up with the times and woke and setting a precedent for inclusion and representation.

I only support cruelty-free brands, and I hope that more brands stop testing on animals because it's just completely unnecessary and barbaric.

I definitely think that using that artistic side of your brain, just having an outlet for emotion is very important, whether it be painting, dancing, acting, or singing.

For me, I've struggled with that when auditioning. Sometimes I get the feedback that I'm not white enough or I'm not black enough, and that can be really frustrating in that sense.

I think magic and fantasy are very attractive, especially in the day and age we're living in. How amazing would it be to use your powers for good? We definitely tackle that in 'Charmed.'

When you are in your twenties if somebody hands you the keys to the kingdom and there's all this expectation and burden on you - what does that do to you and also how do you react to being given those keys?

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