I play piano every day.

And it's hard at the end of the day

Oh darkness, I feel like letting go.

The more we take, the less we become.

Nothing outside of my child is important

Trying to force creativity is never good.

I don't like bad feelings gnawing away at me.

I believe this is Heaven to no one else but me.

The night is my companion, and solitude my guide.

Water is very forgiving. Everything lifts in water

I don't think about what other people want from me.

Water is very forgiving. Everything lifts in water.

When I say music saved me, I don't say that lightly.

I'm a closet Backstreet Boys fan. They're very sweet

I'm an eternal optimist with a small degree of cynicism.

I think often sadness is a great place to get songs from.

It was overwhelmingly beautiful to see my music performed.

My music and my lyrics are essentially emotional postcards.

Don't let your life pass you by, weep not for the memories.

I'll talk to any stranger about everything. I'm not guarded.

Your love is just the antidote when nothing else can cure me.

Larger than life is your fiction in a universe made up of one.

Cast me gently into the morning for the night has been unkind.

When I sing, it's just... comfort is a stupid word, but it is.

Surfing is my passion because I love being active on the water.

Everybody loves you when you're easy, so don't disappoint them.

Hold on...Hold on to yourself. This is going to hurt like hell.

Deadlines are meant to be broken. And I just keep breaking them.

Deep within I'm shaken by the violence of existing for only you.

You're in the arms of the Angels; may you find some comfort here.

I don't court paparazzi. I definitely don't like that part of it.

I'm a great mummy. I've mapped out all the fun spots in every city.

I'm not online. I'm not on Facebook much. I don't connect that way.

I try so hard to live in the moment - I don't think ahead very much.

A big part of my love and passion for making music is playing it live.

I threw bitter tears at the ocean, but all that came back was the tide.

Change and growth is so painful. But it's so necessary for us to evolve.

Happiness is like a cloud, if you stare at it long enough, it evaporates.

I don't tend to question things that much. If it feels right, I go for it.

I have fallen, I have sunk so low. I have messed up, better I should know.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and I want to give 100 percent to everything.

They are very personal, emotional songs - people react to them very strongly.

Your love is better than chocolate. Better than anything else that I've tried.

There are women in every genre having a lot of success. Why not celebrate that?

It's a big challenge for me to keep my integrity and some of my privacy intact.

The more we take the less we become, the fortune of one man means less for some.

If I cried me a river of all my confessions, would I drown in my shallow regret?

I'll answer anything... I'm brutally honest, actually, which gets me in trouble.

I'm so tired, but I can't sleep. Standing on the edge of something much too deep.

I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to go crazy. I don't party like I used to

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