I have studied many politicians closely.

I don't even compel my wife to wear a mangalsutra or a bindi.

All roles I'm doing are realistic - no one offers me anything else.

I appeal to the youth to maintain peace and not indulge in violence.

Politicians are interesting people and they have good and bad qualities.

Everybody should plant a tree on any happy occasion or birthday and celebrate.

After a sapling is planted, care should be taken on how it will survive and grow into a tree.

Hindi films do not respect fine actors, it is all about super stars and stardom. Film-making is reduced to revolving around a star's moods.

I am getting good roles in the Telugu film industry. And people are also liking my work. I dub the films myself and this makes a huge difference.

According to me, when a filmmaker is writing a role, a certain actor comes to his mind. Now whether that actor resides in Mumbai or in the Malabar is hardly of any consequence.

The makers of 'Ushakaal' said that if I don't do the film they would shelve the project. I didn't want a good subject to be shelved because of me so I went ahead and did the film.

There is a misconception in our society that only women have to follow the norms of wearing a mangalsutra after marriage. Actually there are a few ornaments which even men are expected to wear after marriage.

At a time when there is rise in global temperature and pollution intensifying, it is important to face these issues in through clean and green air by planting indegenious trees. This is a responsibility of each one of us.

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