The only real failure is giving up.

I'm a camp counselor for pop stars.

I think 'manager' is a stupid word.

If you really love someone, you push them.

Just because you know doesn't mean they know.

My company motto is 'Inspire the world to try.'

I think people will always like intelligent TV.

My job is making irrational people do rational things.

If you want to inspire the world, first inspire yourself.

I love collaborating with other really smart, incredible people.

I was raised by an empowered woman. I married an empowered woman.

If it's achievable, there's no excuse why you shouldn't be doing it.

I don't look at money as success. I look at it as an avenue to freedom.

I'm a 34-year-old man who calls himself Scooter. That describes the vibe.

I love the creative process - brainstorming and coming up with campaigns.

The moment our youth succeed, we try to figure out how to tear them down.

None of us are made to be worshipped, and when we take that in, we get sick.

Sometimes the only way to realize what a foolish purchase is is to make one.

If you’re not going to do it to the best of your ability, then don’t do it at all.

At 22 years old, I tattooed 'family' on my wrist to not lose sight of my true goal.

My wife deals with real problems. My problems aren't problems - they're inconveniences.

When I look at acts, I look at the worldwide potential. And what travels wide is melody.

I find nothing wrong with striving for the impossible. But I find alot wrong with giving up

A lot of times in this business, we forget that we're surrounded by a lot of really good people.

What I do for a living is so high-risk that I try to make sure my portfolio is as conservative as possible.

I got offered a bunch of reality show stuff, but I didn't want to be known for that, so I turned it all down.

My brother and I made a pact that every deal we do has to have a charitable component; otherwise, we don't do it.

When I was 25, I had risked everything to launch Justin Bieber and was a couple months away from losing everything.

I don't know if I'm going to be a manager forever. I don't know if I'm going to be producing films or television shows.

You should never do something kind in hopes of recognition. Do it because its right. Do it because it makes you feel good.

I had very big lips growing up, so my brother started to call me Scooter Fish because he decided a scooter fish has big lips.

If you can help someone become a good young woman or a good young man, they have a better chance of surviving in this business.

What is now commonplace was once not, and I think that's a testament to what it means to really break the mold and push the limits.

For me, the most fun times in this office are when we're listening to music. That's what you signed up for, not to just make deals.

David Geffen was a Bruce Wayne to me. He was extraordinary, but at the same time, his talents were something that I could dream of and could fathom.

What has now become conventional in terms of digital marketing and the discovery of new talent was once very unconventional - and people forget that.

We aren't made to be worshipped as humans. I think that is why we see so many great artists crumble, because as humans, we are made to serve each other.

Asher Roth lived on my couch for six months to build up a following. With Justin Bieber, I moved him and his mother to a town house a block away from me.

People told me I was nuts when I went to sign an act from YouTube - and now, that's one of the most conventional things you can do as an agent or manager.

My job is to make sure a client doesn't have any 'what if's - to make sure, when you look back, you don't say, 'What if I had done this? What if I had done that?'

I don't think you're selling out by allowing the masses to love your art. The only curse is that, when you get so big, sometimes people forget to look at the music.

I never like to talk about things until we're already successful. The moment you announce what you're thinking about doing, you've already created a ticking time bomb.

I looked at Robert Downey, Jr. and all these people - when you ask for redemption, people will give it to you. But if you're the boy who cried wolf, they'll destroy you.

My circle includes some of the most influential people in the world. They all occasionally suffer from depression. Our DNA is built to serve and interact, not be worshipped.

I have a rule where once a week I have a date night with my wife, and that's the time when I put my phone away and have calls forwarded to my assistant in case of emergency.

If my ambition was to stay a manager the rest of my life, then I'd probably follow what people think managers are supposed to be like, but my ambition was never to be a manager.

I've had an amazing run in my career. It could end tomorrow. I have artists who love me, and I love them, but they could call me tomorrow and say, 'I don't wanna work with you.'

If you really love someone, you can't be angry if they don't love you the same way. You got to just love them because you love them, not because you're expecting anything back in return.

I think caring as much as we do has been our greatest asset and really allowed us to build such a great company. It might not be conventional, but that's the way I'd rather live my life.

I think anybody who's been a part of a kid's life, you hope that when they go out into the world, that they surround themselves with the right people and don't find themselves in trouble.

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