The earth is one tiny part of a vast energy net work.

We are not on this planet to ask forgiveness of our deities.

Magic is the projection of natural energies to produce needed effects.

Wicca has been, up until the past decade or so, a closed religion, but no more.

Today evil spirits are seen as negativity which floats around the Earth in large quantities.

The power is neutral. It cannot be divided into positive and negative energies. Power is power.

Magic is not always serious or solemn. It is a joyous celebration and merging with the life-force.

Books can lift our spirits, heal our wounds, steel our courage and strengthen our religious resolve.

Magic is the practice of causing change through the use of powers as yet not defined or accepted by science.

Magic is our birthright...and should be available to all who wish to utilize it as a tool of personal transformation.

In Wicca, rituals are ceremonies which celebrate and strengthen our relationships with the Goddess, the God and the Earth.

Eventually, ritual was developed as a means of contacting and utilizing the energy within humans as well as in the nature world.

Honor all living things, for we are of the stag, and the salmon, and the bee; so destroy not life, save it be to preserve your own.

If you would be a magician, honor the Earth. Honor life. Love. Know that magic is the birthright of every human being, and wisely use it.

Call upon the Goddess and God to protect you and teach you the secrets of magic. Ask stones and plants to reveal their powers - and listen.

The power is that which generated and maintains the universe... the life-force, the stuff of creation. It is the very substance of existence itself.

The magic begins in you. Feel your own energy, and realize similar energy exists within the Earth, stones, plants, water, wind, fire, colores, and animals.

Read as much as you can, discarding negative or disturbing information. Learn by doing, and the Goddess and God will bless you with all that you truly need.

Magic is natural. It is a harmonious movement of energies to create a needed change. If you wish to practice magic, all thoughts of it being paranormal or supernatural must be forgotten.

Magic is love. All magic should be performed out of love. The moment anger or hatred tinges your magic, you have crossed the border into a dangerous world, one that will ultimately consume you.

We can't point at an image of an evil god, such as Satan, and blame it for our faults and weaknesses. We can't blame fate. Every second of each day we're creating our futures, shaping the courses of our lives.

Any and all religions are real, the genuine article, to their practitioners. There can never be one religion, prophet, or savior that will satisfy all six billion humans. Each of us must find our ideal way to attune with deity.

Earth magic can help to sort out, work through and solve many of the minor crises and problems facing us as individuals today. True, it is not a simple solution to the world's problems, but it can bring order into our lives, and that's a good start.

Seek wisdom in books, rare manuscripts, and cryptic poems if you will, but seek it out also in simple stones, and fragile herbs, and in the cries of wild birds. Listen to the whisperings of the wind and the roar of water if you would discover magic, for it is here that the old secrets are preserved.

In magical thought the human body is the 'microcosm' (small representation) of the Earth, which is the 'macrocosm'. The Earth is also the microcosm of the Universe. In other words, we are pictures of the essence of the planet and thusly of the universe. As such, when we change ourselves, we change the Earth and the universe.

Trees have from time immemorial been closely associated with magic. These stout members of the vegetable kingdom may stand for as long as a thousand years, and tower far above our mortal heads. As such they are symbols and keepers of unlimited power, longevity, and timelessness. An untouched forest, studded with trees of all ages, sizes and types, is more than a mysterious, magical place - it is one of the energy reservoirs of nature. Within its boundaries stand ancient and new sentinels, guardians of the universal force which has manifested on the the Earth. . . .

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