Don't sing it, bring it.

I'm not a Bret Hart fan.

Say the BAD GUY!

I'm a big fan of Finn Balor.

I'm a big Kevin Sullivan fan.

NOBODY messes with "The Bad Guy"!

Bad times don't last, bad guys do.

In a perfect world, I'd end up at NXT.

Survey says: one more for the bad guys.

I was Razor Ramon, and I started the nWo.

Be positive. Keep grinding. Stay positive.

My message is, if you need help, ask for it.

Kick him when he's down, he's easier to reach.

Obviously, I'm against bullying, but it does happen.

I want the other riches in life; I want to get married.

God has blessed me many times. I had some great genetics.

I would love to help guys transition from 'NXT' to 'Raw.'

Dallas is somebody who genuinely likes helping other people.

You can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends.

Dallas is obnoxiously positive. He's been a good friend to me.

I've always said it ain't 'Show Friends.' It's 'Show Business.'

Dusty Rhodes was really good to me and helped me and started me.

When the fans spend money, you normally leave the audience happy.

My most important legacy is being a good father to my two children.

Everybody knows you can't have a party on 'Raw' without the bad guy.

Curt Hennig was my buddy, and he had great success with Mr. Perfect.

What sucks the most is when you can't even keep a promise to yourself.

Hard work pays off, dreams come true. Bad times don't last, but BAD GUYS do.

I think it's great you have guys like Finn Balor and Shinsuke Nakamura in WWE.

If I could leave anybody with anything, it's this - if you need help, ask for it.

The only thing that I'm sure of is I don't know, but I know that positivity works.

Shawn Michaels really helped me a lot. We helped each other. It was a good partnership.

What I'm doing with the NWO is for me, for my family, so I can leave a legacy for my kids.

The NWO... we feel like we are the people's choice; we're doing things for the working man.

My daughter is on academic scholarship at the University of Central Florida. I feel so blessed.

Whether they cheer or whether they boo really doesn't bother me as long as they're paying attention.

Powerbombing someone on the apron or into the turnbuckle, those are not moves Sting and I grew up with.

I had been successful in Japan, Mexico, and Puerto Rico, but nothing in the U.S. where it really matters.

Mental illness is real, and I got them. I don't know if it's the multiple concussions or the lifestyle choices.

If people are offering you help, swallow your pride and accept it because people who care about you want to help you.

Coming to Atlanta was like being in a country club. It was really tame in the locker room in WCW compared to New York.

When I came in, there wasn't a bunch of women wrestlers. There was maybe one or two who came in a couple months a year.

I feel like I couldn't have screwed up that bad as a dad, because I have a pretty good relationship with both of my kids.

WCW is a television company that produces a wrestling show. The WWE is a wrestling company that produces a television show.

In WCW, your future was determined by the time you signed the contract. I was the lowest-paid guy in the company at $75,000.

My deal with WCW was if I'd choose to show up, I was guaranteed a certain amount, but I'm not required to come to work for WCW.

The WWE machine is a lot stronger than it was when I was there. When you go to TV, it's unbelievable the production that's going on.

I'll go on record and say it's way more fun riding in front of a cop car then riding in the back cuz you can get out if you want to.

My life is like driving down a road. I occasionally glance in the rearview mirror, but I'm not focused on the past or looking back anymore.

I never really thought about the fact I wasn't world champion. It's all fake, so having a belt really means having extra weight in your luggage.

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